Help talk:Nobody

From Larp City
Revision as of 00:51, 21 January 2025 by (talk)

Emperor Pyromancer aka Rubens Felipe is a Brazilian microcelebrity from Steam City known for his associations with the masses of political/country larpers of the city. He's also known to run a fascist server in Discord City (one that apparently does not tolerate racism.) He's also a Brazilian nationalist, and none of it is ironic either as he fails to realize, due to his parents being upper class and him obviously living with them, that Brazil is a spic infested shit hole where people get beheaded on the street as a playground sport.

He used to run a Steam group of 500+ members as well; despite the member count, it's not relevant in the slightest to anything involving in the city's affairs and mainly serves as a haven for disgruntled country larpers that hate Jews but claim to be "Anti-Zionist". This group no longer exists and Pyromancer instead runs an Elizabeth DeWitt fan group.

In 2021, he was baited by Zokh as well after he set a woman as a profile picture saying it was him. Pyromancer fell in love and then Zokh told him to kill himself or something.
