
From Larp City
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The-Star-of-David-230x150-1.jpg WARNING: This nigga is Jewish.

God himself

Ahn, (commonly referred to as Specimen or Mr. Portugal) is some copy-paste personality autogynephile/pedophile who lives at N° 21 2400-473 Parceiros, Portugal. Most of what this creature does is purely out of sheer envy, he is not to be taken seriously. His hobbies generally consist of buying games on steam, but not playing them, and levelling up his steam profile. Since he's unemployed, he likes to stab his father for steam money. He's also been harassed by his neighbours for being a weird freak and he killed their cat for revenge. He spends his day on his steam profile, ranting about Steam City and admiring the SCGN as they evidently win at the internet better than he does and that annoys him because of how unserious they are about what he devotes his life towards (the "internet cult aesthetic" according to one of his mates.) He also runs some tranny gnostic cult where the members are blackmailed into compliance, he promotes it constantly but they don't actually do anything of any renown, it's more just to boost his ego.

Despite his incessant rants about Steam City (in the form of steam comments, artworks, and youtube videos), it's assumed that he should be aware that he's a lolcow, since he has failed to 1up anybody during his 2 year long one sided feud. It's assumed that he secretly wants to tag along with da boyz of steem citee, he evidently admires the SCGN because of their sheer influence but he also admires DEUS as well, because he believes that they groom kids, just like him.

It's alright mate, if you want to join us you can, we'll let you write wiki articles. It'll be a secret and you don't have to tell anyone.

Story[edit | edit source]

He got butthurt because the SCGN raided his server once bout 4 millennia ago, but since he's a faggot, he believes he's special so he took the whole ordeal to a very personal level. Although all that came of it was that he became a lolcow as he got doxxed in no less than 6 days, his niggercord server of 10 people infiltrated, and had a massive tantrum about it in commendably high effort ways (such as larping as a narcissist and making a video about how HE was the one who trolled the evil mean bullies! (which subsequently went private after he felt embarrassed about uploading such a thing)), although nobody actually cared other than his group of 8 people (whom are unironically too afraid to join a simple voice call without alcohol or drugs.) He also ate up the fake civil war orchestrated by the SCGN during the Irrelevant Larper Purge Of 2023. To give credit where it's due to Mr. Portugal however, he is commendable for his diligence, seeming intelligence in the writing field, and mentally torturing fabled and more relevant pedophile, Spamton.

Grand Plan To Take Steam City[edit | edit source]

He's right.

After being groomed, raped, and trolled, he stole an idea from Spamton to create a fake wiki of AI written articles about contrived steampunk (the most jewish genre of fiction) lore that he thought would annoy the SCGN but they didn't really mind the existence of it. Most of the articles consisted of random bits of false info he ate up. Unfortunately, this fag decided to help (along with many others) take down steamcity.wikidot.com, so naturally Toxic Coffee, with his government connections, took down his shit website entirely. After it was taken down, he pretended that he himself took it down and said he "quit larping" which has been dubbed as his official surrender. Despite surrendering, he has done many things to clown himself, such as making an epic Steam City diss track and he also spent 5 days straight commenting on one of Greasy Gus' artworks when he posted a picture of Ahn's face, often commenting for about 22 hours a day, taking 2 hour sleeps each day.

Nerd having a rant.
  • Steal SCGN's lore, and make everyone believe he created Steam City (✨Epicly failed.✨)
  • Get all SCGN affiliated members steam accounts banned (✨Epicly failed.✨)
  • Infiltrate the ranks of the SCGN, converting their members in the process (✨Epicly failed.✨ Only half converted a turkroach pedo.)
  • Gather "Info" to blackmail SCGN into submission (Epicly failed. 'Info' has only been gathered from wiki's and steam comments, and one screenshot of Zokh telling a tranny to cut himself.)
  • Larp like a retard, claiming plans and "psyops" worked when in reality nothing happened (✨Epicly succeeded.✨)
  • FINAL STEP: Beg SCGN upper echelons to join his ranks, in order to feel like having at least one win. (✨Epicly failed.✨)