Allahverse Resets

From Larp City
(Redirected from Allahverse Reset)

Allahverse Resets (or Time Loops) are a phenomenon that has occurred 32 times within the Allahverse. It is described as an event that occurs after the End Of Times War concludes in 100,000,000 AD in which Kris Youngberg destroys the entire Allahverse, causing it to reset, forming a new iteration.

In each iteration, all events that occur in the previous iterations are the exact same, essentially, nothing changes.

History[edit | edit source]

Origin[edit | edit source]

Upon the Brickverse-Lasagnaverse Wars conclusion, the death of Garfield, one of the two leading Order Gods, caused the force of Order within the entire Allahverse to become weakened, giving the Chaos Gods an opportunity to successfully buckbreak Docy O Og to join their forces. Allah, due to paranoia, believed that the buckbreaking of the last leading Order God was going to occur, believing that Dylan Giggle was going to use this as an opportunity to overthrow him in conquest that Allah may not be able to prevent which would ultimately birth a reality in which chaos dominates as a force, rather than the balanced forces of both order and chaos.

The very last quectosecond of the Allahverse.

Allah devised a plan to summon an entity known as Kris Youngberg, whom was declared as a Godhead by leading every single god within the Grand Arena Pantheon to destroy the entirety of the Allahverse's existence, all while fighting the rogue god Brick. In 100,000,000 AD, the End Of Times War commenced and the entire Allahverse was destroyed, and reset.

33rd Iteration[edit | edit source]

Upon the 33rd iteration of the Allahverse, the End Of Times War ended in a truce between Brick and Youngberg, which birthed the Post-Youngberg Era. This era is believed to be the era of the domination of chaos and unrest, an era in which no order was present at all, which is believed to have caused the self-destruction of the entire Gabyverse.