Dylan Giggle

From Larp City

(The embodiment of all that is evil, horrifying to say the least. I really wish I could censor this.)

Dylan Giggle (also known as the Dylan Zippe, the Father Of Satan, the god of all that is evil, the god of panhandles, etc.) is the chaos god of all suffering and evil and is considered to be the most evil amongst the gods of the Allahverse Pantheon. He is known for the creation of the Oklahoma Panhandle, the Panhandlan Lands, and the creation of the Jews, Aboriginals, Foids, and various demonic entities surrounding Hell and the mortal plane. Dylan's main priority is just to bring suffering upon Allah's (and the Order Gods, respectfully) creation and the mortal plane by feasting upon the goyim by means of the most inexplicably evil and nefarious acts beyond the comprehension of any mortal being. Dylan has made numerous attempts at overthrowing Allah, his own creator, and taking rule of the Allahverse which birthed the phenomenon known as Allahverse Resets.

Physical Form[edit | edit source]

Dylan Giggle has existed within our mortal plane as an extremely powerful, unstoppable immortal demonic skinwalker creature. It's believed that he has caused numerous mass death events on Earth and other planets. He's known for being an absolute stud and being everything a woman and/or homosexual man desires, he lures them into his trap very often, if you see anyone resembling this man, you're already fucked, it's like seeing slenderman, you're fucked.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Dylan is often depicted as an ultra looksmaxxed gigachad stud muffin, capable of seducing anything that crosses his path which he uses much to his advantage. It's unknown what his god like form is perceived as but it's believed that it would drive one into eternal insanity if they were to see it. Those that are banished to the Panhandlan Plane of Hell Hell Hell Plus One upon their death apparently are ones to know of his true appearance.

History[edit | edit source]

Before Time Era[edit | edit source]

Dylan Giggle was known to have butt raped Docy O Og when he was a child during the clash between the Order Plane and the Chaos Plane, before the Universe had been created which is why Docy grew up to become a pedophile due to the trauma. Dylan is the sole reason as to why Docy is indecisive between being considered an order god and a chaos god due to how various creations of his display signs of impurity and imperfection.

Post Allah Fart Era[edit | edit source]

Dylan Giggle was indirectly responsible for the creation of the Pooverse after he banished Hairy Diarrhea God there for eternity in 680 Jeffyillion BC. He is the reason why the Pooverse is such a chaotic and evil place, Fat Randal also had involvement in this later on.

Dylan was also responsible for the destruction of the Grimans and their society, as well as the Shitlar System, a once revolutionary region of the Winton Galaxy, destroying that in the same year after they attempted to 'kill' him during the Battle Of The Shitlar System.

Oklahoman Panhandle[edit | edit source]

500 years after Earth's creation, In order to balance order and chaos in the Universe and pursue far greater immense suffering and evil, Dylan had created the panhandle in 900,499,999,500 BC. The reason why Jews and Aboriginals and Foids exist is solely because of the creation of this particular panhandle. The unspeakable chaos that goes on within the panhandle was also caused by Dylan. He also created the panhandle to cease the threat that were once the Childpornogians, a powerful race created by Docy O Og that ruled the entire Childpornverse before its destruction.