Aryan-Jew Martian Hyperwar
The Aryan-Jew Martian Hyperwar was a war that happened on Mars in 4,466,614,888 BC upon the arrival of the Saturn Jews that attempted to interbreed with the entire Aryan pure race known as Martians that eventually fell to decay due to the antics of the Jews. The entire Skibidi Toilet series is entirely symbolic of this war. What's known of the entire outcome of this war is that the Jews won due to their nephilim strength, and they all subsequently began to interbreed with the Martians, subsequently enslaving them.
Aftermath[edit | edit source]
The Jews interbred so much they became more than half Aryan. Chief Kike Supreme Lord at the time, Dr. Schlomo Six Million, wrote the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which instructed all Jews to start inbreeding to preserve their Nephilim mitochondria. However, they did this too much and ended up creating the modern so-called Jews of today - The blue eye gene carrying, schizophrenic, retarded, intelligent, fucking evil, atheist Jews.