Baby Kata
Baby Kata is an a10 eyed aryan who resides within Earth's core, which is essentially a realm he created at the very center of Agartha. He lives there in a square box that resembles a bathroom and he exists to tell people about his poopy time.
The only known individuals to have contacted Baby Kata were the Moshpit Wizard, MC Casper, Vishnu, every Machine Elf to exist, and Super Saiyan Mariano.
Metaphysics[edit | edit source]
The square tiles that make up the bathroom that is Baby Kata's realm are all independent nations that all hate each other and are constantly at war while Baby Kata sings about his pee pee poo poo. Some of these nations worship Baby Kata, some have banned worship of him, while some worship Vishnu, and one guy in one of the nations worshipped Super Saiyan Mariano when he visited. The glowing tiles that you see in the video of Baby Kata doing his jig are actually massive scale wars.
History[edit | edit source]
The Bog Of '87[edit | edit source]
On June 4th, 1987, Baby Kata accidentally raised his bog roll in the air too high and said "raise your boog roll in the air" which summoned boog himself into the mortal realms of the Allahverse. This not only indirectly caused the Boog Poop Event years later, but it also caused the creation of the worst movie ever made, Open Season 2.