Black People On TikTok

From Larp City

Black People On TikTok are spiritually awoken people who somehow know the truth about everything and they usually spit facts about it in TikTok City, nobody knows how they know the truth but everything they say is 100% the truth, all facts no lies.

col wedder know what i sayin so col wedder right col wedder col wedder iz not real bruh col wedder iz actully a weapon it wuz bawt to us by da opressuhs iz called suh zero technalogee suh zero tenalagee iz da reesun we'z haz all da ice walls n shiet it wuh bawt hyeer by a race of beins known as da dark elvs ella joan talk about da dark eelvs befo on da joe rogan pohdcas n shiet bruh see on da pohdcas he called dem dmt elvs instea of da drk elvs n he talked about gubbermint is workin wit dem right now as we speak dere da reezun why we have col wedder jus thank about it mane it kills nature, kills plants yknow what i sayin? it also hauls yo avatar straih up iz a weapon bawt hyeer wintuh wuz a weapon bawt hyeer by extraterrestialz n shiet i know dat sound crazy some people may nah belee dat shiet but its true bruh