Cope HQ Acquisition

From Larp City

The Cope HQ Acquistion refers to an operation carried out by the SCGN and Jiao Bai Jing Industries during the CCP War For Discord City in February of 2023. The operation was part of their larger operation to annihilate a society of wannabe schizophrenic faggots within Discord City known as Copecord.

The plan of taking ownership of the Cope HQ server was carried out by an unnamed Zokh Clone with his elite rizzardry powers, he cast an alteration spell upon the 18 year old foid and she gave ownership to the Zokh clone upon his demands. Subsequently, the server had been rebranded to fit the JBJ Ltd. quota.

The Troubles[edit | edit source]


Upon the rebranding, the hundreds of members within the server began to riot and leave in a storm of rage, subsequently alerting the main Copecord division of what had occurred, this led to anyone associated with the JBJ corp becoming an enemy to the dead cope server. Cinders wanted to keep the server as a sacred memorial to preserve the ackian history, though the server had been destroyed by a devoted member of Copecord, thus leaving the Cope HQ in ruins. While devastating to Ackian historians, millions had ACK'd as a result of the chudic takeover of a faggot safehaven. While it didn't worry Jiao Bai Jing too much, the only devastating result is that a bunch of blackmail on many members of ACKcord were purged. This ultimately began a silent war amongst the SCGN and Copecord.