Discord Incorporated
Discord Incorporated is the megacorp ZOG-affiliated governmental body of Discord City, ruled by CEO Jason Citron, a mossad agent from Israel that caused a nuclear holocaust in 2015 in order to commence a great reset within the city, allowing the ZOG influence to gain significant power over Tencent's influence.
In 2020, the CCP Reconquest War For Discord City began after multiple CCP controlled megacorporations declared war on Discord Incorporated, making the city entirely divided by the two major megacorps, governmentally and ideologically.
Under the rule of Discord Incorporated, Discord City became a nuclear sludge infested wasteland much akin to Twitter City and in various aspects, Steam City. In 2015, the corporate government birthed the network known as Discord, a social credit system installed via cybernetics that features a messaging app where furfags, pedophiles and a vast array of degenerates sexually groom kids online on Discord Servers.