Hell (or the Netherworlds, Lands Of Chaos) is an afterlife plane of existence within the Allah Oval where the Chaos Gods of the Grand Arena Pantheon reign under the guise of OBTWill (formerly the 20 Fatberg Gods, and before that, Satan.) It is known for being an afterlife realm in which the deceased mortals whom have lived a life of sin, or have been cursed as such, are forced to continue existing in a state of pure suffering for eternity as punishment. Hell is comprised of many different layers known as the Planes Of Hell, the deepest of plane of hell being Hell Hell Hell Plus One, where the Chaos Gods themselves thrive in everlasting wars with the reckoned souls and the other Chaos Gods.
Beyond the boundaries of physical space, unrestricted by time or causality, Hell is a dimension incomprehensible to mortal minds. While it lies within the Allah Oval, it is only able to be accessed if one achieves a specific state of mind, one that sinful mortals reach upon death. It is infinite in scope, though there is no form or structure prevalent. This realm is composed of the psychological energy of love and hate, fear and hope, ambition and despair, and yet it is an uncaring, emotionless void designed for torment. It is a realm of 100% Chaos, no order is allowed within.
(will add moore later)