Bogdanoff Twins
The Bogdanoff Twins (Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff) are two celestial beings of Oggian descent that have been alive since the creation of the Universe. Their intelligence and sheer level of power and influence on the entire world economy unfairly mogs the Jews in such a catastrophic way that the Rothschilds attempt to stop their antics by any means necessary. The Bogdanoffs wish to conquer the world and achieve actual world peace by ridding the Jews from existence. To combat the Jews, they have invented crypto-currency and allegedly the two metals gold and silver which will be the only defence weapon during the 2030 Great Reset. After overdosing on too many Bog Pills they achieved even higher status which is why they look so fucking handsome and Aryan. It's not from plastic surgery.
The Bogdanoffs allegedly died of Covid (a fucking cold :skull: bruhhh im dead fr) although this is a complete bullshit lie and if you believe that you receive dumbass nigger of the year award.