
From Larp City
The Bogd Khaanate of Mongolia flag. What does the E mean? Nobody knows.

Mongolia is a utopic country located in the middle of grassland nowhere in Asia. The country is inhabited by the once prosperous race known as Mongols that formed the largest empire of human civilization through mass waves of rape known as the Mongol Empire. Due to Mongolia's geographical location being sandwiched between Russia and China (two CCP-controlled countries), the influence of ZOG has failed to reach this area. This entire country is inhabited by people who ride horses and live in yurts. There's only actual settlement in the entire country, Ulaanbaatar, the rest are basically camps belonging to nomadic people who throat sing.

Beautiful land blessed by Tengri's.

History[edit | edit source]

Mongolia was founded by a half-Tibetan half-Ogian named Bogd Khan in 1911 after 6 gorillion years of not existing. For like 3 years, Mongolia was under chink rule from October 1919 - 18 March 1921 (2 (not even 3) WEAK years, shame on Chink land) In 1947, Inner Mongolia was formed as a province of China that exists as the defacto capital region of the entirety of China as Mongols are the true rulers of the oriental race. Some soviet shit happened too which is why there's soviet buildings even though no one actually lives in them, they all live in yurts, and they also speak in cyrillic's. Yeah that's basically the entire history of modern Mongolia.