National Socialist Network

From Larp City
Two dilligent members of the NSN, Mikey Nelsy and Nathy Bvll.

The National Social Network is a neo-nazi organization headquartered in Melbourne, a place where all the women are east asian and have a mysterious adam's apple for some reason. The organization is led by Thomas Sewell, relevant to the lore entirely because notable individuals such as Thadette and MICHAEL JOSHUA NELSON happen to be proud members of this group. From what is understood about the group, anyone with Rick And Morty watcher level of intellect would know that it solely exists with the purpose of recruiting bigot scum and then making them whistleblow to the copper dog cunts, fucking boys in blue.

According to elite scholars with access to the entirety of the vatican archives: NSN members, who are specifically male, are not allowed to have romantic relationships with the women in the organization. So to resolve this issue, male members must only acquire babes at remote music festivals specifically.

The NSN are known for protesting on the streets of Melbourne and other cities respectively, though primarily Melbourne. They generally crash LGBTQ+ protests, covering their faces with balaclavas and standing around menacingly while heiling hitler. Although, ever since Mikey's salute featuring Nathan Bull, the dropkick cunt got nazi saluting banned throughout the entire state of victoria, thus deeming it the most totalitarian state in Australia.