From Larp City
Example of a brave israeli warrior wielding the SCL badge of honour.

SCL refers to a psyop conducted by the SCGN lasting from around early July - September of 2023. Much like Fart Poo 2, it was a demonstration to show their true strength and power amongst the masses of bottomfeeders and faggots alike by flexing how they can make good soap operas at their will.

History[edit | edit source]

In July of 2023, the upper echelons of the SCGN decided on a fucking whim to get approximately 100+ members of the SCGN to put the acronym "[✡︎SCL✡︎]" in their name, particularly ones that have relatively commuted to the comment sections of bottomfeeders. As a result of this, nearly every single comment section of people connected to those with membership in the SCGN were seen with the acronym in their name, which negatively startled those who were unaware of the entire thing, causing random schizos and bipolar sufferers to freak out wanting to understand the whole thing.

The true meaning behind this was just a play of shits and giggles, and to somewhat reveal how much presence the SCGN has. SCL literally just meant "Steam City Lion" and the last person to ever wield the SCL tag was Davidcito739, props to him for his devout loyalty.