
From Larp City
A bottomfeeder's profile, proudly displaying his assortment of likewise bottomfeeders in their journey of reciting basic information regurgitated by the reddit community. (Also take note of how its profile is set to friends only.)

Bottomfeeder is a derogatory term originally coined by Jiao Bai Jing that is used in everyday vocabulary in the bustling streets of Steam City. It is essentially used to describe an irrelevant pseudonormie (reddit humoured individual) who is at the lowest on the food chain and feeds/regurgitates information for their entire lifespan all while doing nothing more than that, a cockroach/janitor.

Unlike Actual Gamers, bottomfeeders generally live Steam City life by unironic larping and, due to a fear of having their ego's challenged, remain within circlejerks in their own niche networks of comment sections spouting god knows what, all while their betters observe and study their odd behaviours. If one attempts to tarnish the ego and disrupt the flow of a bottomfeeder's comment section, they are met with an immediate block, although this is very much seen as an achievement.

The goal of a bottomfeeder is generally to seek contrived niche internet fame, as gaining 2 comments a day on their dead steam accounts boosts their ego to highly toxic levels.

The term has in fact had a definition change however, since the term was coined, bottomfeeders took offence and all collectively redefined it, now it means "someone who is mean to me and destroys my sensitive ego on the internet :("

Notably, a few extremely niche groups of bottomfeeders, some of which are random conduits of the Degen Pedophile Ring, attempt to claim Steam City as their own primarily due to envy or having a cry about being bullied, etc. Despite their goals and pushed efforts of wanting to start a revolution against the mean bullies, they lack the influence, charisma and overall the ability to be funny or do anything innovative so they've resorted to larping, many such cases.

Historical Moment.