
From Larp City
Check out this beautiful semitic queen. Xhe is truly BRAVE AND STUNNING!

Transgenders (the male in dress ones, FtM's are a myth) (also known as Troons, trannies, failed males, retards, attention whores and most recently ACK's) are a weird breed of terminally online degenerates and mentally ill pedophile retards with asperger's syndrome. You know exactly what they are, they're men that failed as men and now try to fulfil their purpose in a way that the Jews encourage, despite it being the most retarded and deplorable option anyone could ever fathom (they'd rather eat chips all day and masturbate to children rather than do something with their lives, even if it's picking up some fucking creatine and lifting heavy shit like a man), I'd rather kill myself (and they would too). Nevertheless, these weird cunts exist, but the good news is that most of them exclusively live their lives sitting in front of a computer screen, because the majority of society hates trannies but this is solely because of human nature, it's normal to hate them. Considering they give their lives away at such early ages ultimately results in them killing themselves nearly all of the time, which calls for a celebration.

A large amount of these retards were once alt-right losers from /pol/ that grew up on the internet. These fags all exclusively live with their parents (if that wasn't self-explanatory enough), they also generally possess copy-paste personalities adopted from r9k as most of them only trooned out due to an inability to get laid, which terminally online people tend to overly obsess about due to hentai addiction. A large group of them have completely identical interests, they're known to seemingly obsess over random trash anime's nobody actually cares about, one of which is called Serial Experiments Lain. The ones that watch this act like they relate to the protagonist of the show in some spiritual way, generally because they overly misinterpret the point of the show or pretend or wish they had schizophrenia to substitute not having a personality. Another group of them tend to watch k-on and watamote (two shows about middle school girls, designed for pedophiles to watch.) These creatures love to listen to shit music genre's like Breakcore, Hyperpop and Shoegaze. They also jerk off to child porn on a daily basis presumably while crankin' the best sewerslvt hits. These fags usually thrive off getting attention because they genuinely think they're special. The only way to defeat this kind of faggot is by simply not giving it attention, this will allow it to kill itself quicker.


Appearance[edit | edit source]

Trannies come from different backgrounds, so attempting to restrict their appearance into specific confines of pre-requisites would be misleading. But this description could pose as a rule of thumb.

They typically have pale, white skin being a result of their chronic internet obsession, visible nasal folds, soulless cheekbones that make them seem untrustworthy and aloof when they smile. Additionally, they're either overweight or anorexic (Typically from starving themselves to appear as a heckin cute anime girl) Signalling an indication of unhealthiness and hedonism within their tendencies. You rarely ever see a troon's real life appearance, you're much more likely to see a troon hiding behind a cutesy pfp as a form of escapism to their real and unpleasant identity. In the case you do actually see a trans person, they are likely to be wearing makeup or a wig to conceal their genuine, pure form.

Trannies are disgusting mutant creatures. They're so ugly in their biological gender that they're repulsed at their appearance to the point of adopting beauty standards not for fashion but for a mask. The transition between genders is just a mask for their ugliness and to give them an excuse to wear caked-on makeup. The more expensive the surgeries and makeup the better the quality of the mask.

Behaviour[edit | edit source]

Trannies typically embody internet caricatures depicting a persona that is intrinsically deviant to them. As such, it could take the form of an anthropomorphic animal, anime woman, or anything associated with general degeneracy and decadence. When confronted due to their obscene interests, they may strike an insult such as "rent free" or "cope" keep in mind these apply to the trannies that are far in the mental illness spectrum, as they cant conceptualize a better rebuttal.

The existence of trannies can easily be explained by autism. That's really all there is to it. If there was a meme in tranny circles such "so like, all get a tattoo of a narwhal lol" you'd see them doing it left and right because the majority of these people are just spergs that get suckered into the whole thing. They all buy "Blahaj", a fucking stuffed shark, for the same reason they want to cut their dicks off. They are barely sentient. Most trannies are male-to-freak. Men are far more likely to have fetishes than women. Men are also more likely to have autism.

The brighter of them are prone to give regurgitated reasonings towards their trooning-out phase. They could bring up counterarguments such as "Gender is deviant to biological sex!" which counteracted by stating that gender adheres to the external and internal characteristics of a human being, which is, through constructed by social norms and for conveniency, divided into Male, Female, and Intersex as classification roles. Just because someone tries so hard to appeal to the external characteristics of a woman, won't make them one as they're still a male internally. No, chopping off your dick and replacing it with a DIY boxcutter neovagina won't make you a real woman.

It's important to elucidate the fact that trannies are not the fundamental problem in itself, but the sociological result of individuals who were neglected supervision during their upbringing. Some never had any parental supervision on the internet at a young age, or idealized the nature of the internet more than reality to the point they permeate it into their mannerisms as a coping mechanism against reality. They are not the DIRECT enemy, but merely an obstacle in the systematic malice that enables their behaviour. Most troons pre-requisitely come from a background of major cognitive deprecation and neglect in correspondence to their newly-acquired belief structures facilitated by the internet, so they cope by attempting to pass as the opposite gender, much to the agony of the remaining real life social circles they have left. Since they cannot be happy without the ability to envision themselves as an identity intrinsically deviant to them, they prioritize trooning out to the point they jeopardize ties they have towards friends, and then be surprised when they in turn get shunned. They attempt to KILL themselves because they practically cannot envision the prospect of accepting their identity. If that isn't psychosis I don't know what is.