Retro gaming

From Larp City

Retro gaming, also known as Retronium Gaming, is the art of being a contrarian who prefers old games because they were less pozloaded. What classifies as a retro games system is subjective, but believing that anything including and beyond the Sega Dreamcast is retro would be objectively wrong. Many retro gamers are known for looking like buckbroken soyboys; The only exception being the Angry Video Game Nerd, the Patron Saint of retro gaming.

Because everybody in the SCGN is a harem-owning, wealthy, charming alpha male, nobody plays retro games much apart from me, who lives sommewhere in Poortugal, which will become relevant later.

NTSC vs PAL[edit | edit source]

NTSC, also known as Never The Same Color (twice) is a shit system designed by retard Americans. Notible regions that used NTSC included the USA, Canada, and an irrelevant place known as Japan. After the Americans intruded for the second time in Europe's war in order to instate ZOG everywhere in the civilized world, they nuked the fuck out of Japan. When rebuilding Japan's infrastructure, the Americans imposed their shitty NTSC onto them as a punishment. This had unforeseen consequences on the landscape of gaming.

PAL, on the other hand, was a superior system. It had better colo(U)r reproduction accross sets and ran at a higher resolution. It's only 'downside' was that it ran at 50Hz instead of 60Hz, due to electricity or something. This, of course, doesn't fucking matter at all, especially considering how retro games tended to lag when more than 4 sprites or 2 polygons were on screen at a time, so the frame rates were lower than the refresh rate, and even when they weren't, due to a CRTs (old TVs) perfect motion clarity, 50Hz was perfectly good. However, this resolution and frequency difference would result in Europeans and many South Americans getting absolutely fucking shafted for the first couple generations of home console releases due only to lazy fucking ports by the Japs and Yanks. Bastards.

It is also important to note that PAL wasn't just superior to NTSC, but that other European standards of connectivity were superior. In America, they had lots of different ports for different signals (all of them worse than their European counterparts). In Europe, we had SCART, which could carry lots of different signals over a single standardised connector. This standard was so good that 'Professional Video Monitors' (PVMs - expensive CRTs for professional video work) used SCART even in America. Embarrassing.

Europe also used RGB, the best signal, while Americans never really got it on their consumer sets. Lol! Eat shit! Serves you right for forcing Japan to adopt your gay, inferior standard. Anyway, RGB is important because the colour space was the same over regions, and because PAL-60 had been around for awhile (yeah, NTSC running at 60Hz was barely an advantage for any length of time), europoors can run NTSC consoles on their PAL TVs in full colour and at 60Hz. Some consoles need modding, like the nintendo 64 which makes no sense as both the PAL NES and GCN had native RGB (NTSC GCN didn't xd), but it's better than modding a CRT to support RGB and killing xerself with 6 million volts.

Unforeseen consequences[edit | edit source]

Turns out, Japan rocked when it came to home games systems, and it also turns out that America literally raping the civilized world twice, first to form Israel and literally nothing more, and the second to protect their overlord jews in Europe and literally nothing more (as if giving them an ethnostate of their own in a land that isn't theirs wasn't enough), literally, caused them to be incredably wealthy for a bit beofre the jews turned on them because they always do. As such, the Japs made games in 60Hz, which ran well on American TVs, and lazily ported them to poorer places such as Europe, Australia, and South America. The results of this, at least for the first two generations of home consoles after Atari ate shit, was a lot of games runninhg in slow motion in PAL regions, sometimes even the music (Sonic 1), and to top it off they were letterboxed on the screen, due to PALs superior resolution. As mentioned above, PAL-60 and RGB served to fix America's exported problems, a commmonality that every country outside of that place feels the need to do now and again.

My soyboy low-T high-E seedoil-diet flourodated-water birth-controll-infected retro gaming setup[edit | edit source]