
From Larp City
Steam Broadcast Hub, if you wish to goon to black porn streamed by POOPNINJA#2DLIFE\_NOBULLYZONE_/, come here.

Steam is the main online network of Steam City, created by VALVE during the Valve City Era on September 15th, 9641 BC as a psyop tool for obedience that is used by citizens in everyday life. Since its creation and launch when Valve City existed, it has been mandated to use amongst the denizens in order to survive, at the cost of your privacy, your soul and complete control of your mental stability and brain function all in the hands of VALVE.

Access to Steam requires one to apply for citizenship in the city itself, one can access the platform usually via. cybernetics or a computer. Many sections of Steam exist such as the Community Market, the Community Hub and the Steam Library where the Actual Gamers (the alpha males of the entire city) game hard nonstop i have a poop fetish after emptying their wallets on the latest STEAM SALE!!!!!!!!!!!! (O.MG.). There is also the Broadcasting Hub that's basically a dead wasteland that people only use to stream porn.

Akin to Steam City, Steam is used by criminals to operate and commit crimes, such as scamming little kids, selling and distributing stolen accounts, laundering Steam Points, Wrongthink, trolling, etc. If one is caught breaking the law, they have their Steam accounts community banned.