Wild Animal Racing

From Larp City
Wild Animal Racing title screen.

Wild Animal Racing is one of the video games created by once mortal ascended god, Paul Bird, during the reign of Warism in VALVE City. It is used by warists as a sacred object that can be purchased from the Steam store, although there was the controversy amongst Warist sects of selling this religious relic at retail value, but that was immediately defused because giving money to something in regards to helping out Paul Bird is a good thing. A great revival of Warism began around 2016 after this game was re-released by the Marjupi Order, a renowned Warist council that is said to directly communicate with Paul from the astral realms. When this game was released, an unknown rival order had sent out the Waristphobic Preachers to give the game a bad review, although they were killed during the 2020 E-Crusades.

In the Commandments Of Warism, Commandment XVI states that one must "Play Wild Animal Racing everyday except for Sundays and Tuesdays as you will be worshiping the gods on those days."

In the game, you play as the Wild Animal Gods and you race around locations on the Island Of Zig-Zag-Zog, the supposed birth place of the Wild Animal Gods according to Paul's teachings thousands of years ago. The game is also multiplayer, Zokh and Nk played it and Zokh fucking destroyed Nk, although he would say otherwise.

There exists a wild animal racing wiki: https://waw.fandom.com/wiki/Wild_Animal_Racing they are allied with us by default.

Wild Animal Racing Is The Greatest Game Ever Made[edit | edit source]

Wild Animal Racing is the best game to ever grace our eyes. Rejoyce, as we have found our lord and savior, jesus christ in giraffe form. Wild Animal Racing came to me at the perfect time in my life. Before I found this game, I was apart of aproximent 6.9 percent of people that are battling depression. Every day I wondered why I was still here because there was nothing left for me. It took all the energy I could muster just to get out of bed in the morning. I was down to my final days and I eventually just gave up and layed in bed all day. One day something inside of me caused me to get up and go check my computer to see if anybody was wondering where I was. To see if anybody still cared.... I saw that I had a steam notification. I felt the most miniscule glimmer of hope as I clicked to see what it was. All of the hope faded as I loaded up the page just to see a hunnnie pop trading card was added to my inventory. I was crushed. Just before I logged off for what I thought was the last time. I saw that there was a steam sale. I decided to take a look. When the page loaded up I saw a few games were on sale; nothing really that interesting though. Then all of a sudden my heart stoped beating and my face went pale. I read the title aloud "Wild Animal Racing." To this day I don't know what caused me to stop at this paricular title. It was 25 percent off so I had Just enough funds in my steam walled to purchase it. I downloaded and installed the game. When I launched it my eyes began to water. I felt my lower lip quivering. The title screen alone was enough to make me feel emotions I haven't felt in a long time. Was this it? Was this my purpose? I begin to start a race and am greeted by a wide select of colourful zany characters. I went with the giraffe and a chose a race. As soon as it began, I was lost in the pure detail of the landscape and the individual personalities of the characters. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I began to cry. I felt something. Racing along side these new found friends made me feel like I wasn't alone. suddenly I had a purpose in life. This game is truly amazing and it saved my life. I could not recommend this game more. I hope that when you play this game, It will change your life like it did mine or in my case, save it.

I will now give an in depth desciption of the game and list some of the pros and cons before giving it a final score.

Wild Animal Racing is an earth shattering fast paced action packed eperience loaded with tons of features and playablity. This game is a racing game featuring all of your favourite animal pals. This is game is intended for all audiences and gamers of all skill levels. This game offers just the right amount of intesity so that novice players can pick and play the game easily due to the well thought out control scheme and and level layouts while still remaining challenging for the advanced players. This game also works well at events such as kids birthday parties due to the family friendly qualities of this game and the revolutionary split screen feature that comes at no extra cost. Because of Wild Animal Racing's large level and character selection, this game simply never ceases to amuse you. Buckle up and prepare for the adventure that comes once in a life time as every level in this game takes place in areas from all around the world. Why not do a race in egypt or an icy tundra? In Wild Animal Racing, the world is your playground. Each level has its own unique and interesting design and level layout. No race plays out quite the same as the others. Each level also comes with its own amazing sountrack. The character picks in my opinion also change the gamplay as well becuase of the unique voice lines and personality that comes with each character. The game overall is very easy to run and looks amazing on high settings. The amount of detail put into the models and the textures of the game is staggering. The gamplay is very smooth and the mechanics are glimmering with perfection. All of uprades and abilities in the game are very balenced and work without fail. This game apart from the previosly metioned split screen feature also presents an online multiplayer experience. You can now face off against all of your chums in a nice hardy game of Wild Animal Racing. Practice offline with bots and bring the heat to any online oponent that may stand in your way! Finally it is worth mentioning that this game features one of the most undeniably prodigious story i have ever play in my life. There is not a single bad part about it. You immedieatly get connected to these characters and want to see it through to the end. To get the full expirience you would just have to play it for yourself. There is so much to exerience in this game it is unbelievable. All of this comes at the low price of just $4.49 CAD. What more could one ask for.

Pros and Cons:


-Easy to run



-Split screen




-Visually apealing

-Good soundtrack


-You will spend a lot of time playing this

-There are none


Overall this is one of the best games I have ever played. Some of my happiest memories have come from this game and I know there are lot more to come. I hope I could convince to buy this game and that you will have as much fun with it as I did.


See you on the track racers!
