From Larp City
Steam City throughout 2024.

2024 is a notable year, known for being a prophesized, royally fucked up year that began upon the nuclear annihilation of Steam City that Toxic Coffee Corporations caused on January 1st after Toxic Coffee became the new mayor of the city. It is the year of full bottomfeeder control of the city, as they assimilated themselves into cannibalistic tribes that ate each other through petty drama that nobody other than themselves cared about, fighting for a destroyed city that was only going to be taken back by the SCGN (as was the plan anyway) in 2025. Much of the Internet Cities also fell to decay, such as Wikidot City that became a nuclear apocalyptic wasteland, Discord City was also in a way affected. The reason why this year was so fucked up, is because all years that end in "4" are known for being royally fucked up beyond belief, such as 1984, and 4444 that was the most fucked up year in history.