Category:Yellow Badge

From Larp City
The yellow badge (German: Judenstern, lit. 'Jew's star').

History[edit | edit source]

The Abbasid Caliphate distinguished Jews by making them wear special clothing.[1] A genizah document from 1121 gives the following description of decrees issued in Baghdad:

Two yellow badges [are to be displayed], one on the headgear and one on the neck. Furthermore, each Jew must hang round his neck a piece of lead weighing [3 grammes] with the word dhimmi on it. He also has to wear a belt round his waist. The women have to wear one red and one black shoe and have a small bell on their necks or shoes.[2]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Bell, Dean Phillip (2005). "Yellow Badge". In Levy, Richard S. (ed.). Antisemitism: A Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution. Vol. 1. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio. p. 779. ISBN 1-85109-439-3.
  2. Johnson, Paul (1987). A History of the Jews. New York: Harper & Row. pp. 204–205. ISBN 978-0-06-015698-5.


This category has only the following subcategory.