Jodie Miller

From Larp City
MAPs Pride Flag.svg.png

The-Star-of-David-230x150-1.jpg WARNING: This nigga is Jewish.

What the fuck IS THAT?

Jodie Miller (also known as Mark Miller) is believed to be an immensely intricate larp perpetrated by a few suspected citizens of Steam City under the guise of uncovering the suspected members of the loosely defined Degen Pedophile Ring that plagues the city and sister city, Discord City. This is being publicly revealed because the Jodie Miller operation has since been shut down as of 2024, and the people involved with the pedo ring are likely named. Ever since he somewhat blew his cover amongst the pedo ring, many conspiracies regarding who he actually is have been a topic of speculation amongst the degenerates and bottomfeeding retards in the city, since they have nothing else going on.

Or all of that could be bullshit and Jodie Miller is an actual pedo faggot LOOL.

The character of Jodie Miller is generally depicted as a disgusting balding and bloated looking transgender Jew from Chico, California that leads a 'cult' affiliated with the Degen Pedophile Ring known as Jodietown (some irrelevant group filled with bottomfeeders and pedophiles.) He spawned in the city around the Bottomfeeder Apocalypse in mid-2022 after retiring from being a long-term admin of some edgelord wiki, typically perading around Steam City talking about himself all day long (not his fault though as Jews are naturally very narcissistic and self-absorbed.) This faggot usually hints himself towards being an accelerationist that worships Ted Kaczynski (he mourned his death.) He once called himself "The Sweetheart Of Steam City", subsequently blurting out "Rozz X Jodie relationship new steam city lore!!!" (picture a troonjak saying this) which, as a result, got him bullied to absolute shit it wasn't even fucking funny it was just sad. He then switched his profile to private for about 2 months. That's basically it. (why are people interested in this tard?)

The Conspiracy[edit | edit source]

Mars (credible source of information) has suspected Jodie Miller to be an alt account run by a schizo named Professor Mr. Smith, the etymology of the name "Jodie Miller" derives from how "Jolie" is a significant name between the two and has a very deep meaning (inside joke.) Jodie Miller also once hyperlinked Professor Mr. Smith's account on his bio one time (source: why would I lie about this, retard?) which initially garnered his suspicions because only 3 people at most know who Professor Mr. Smith actually is. Mars also pointed out that Mr. Smith types the near exact same way as Jodie, using similar speech patterns and usage of emoji's (only difference being is that Jodie types in only a bold font like a retard.) It's also worth noting that Jodie Miller had never joined a voice call, and the fact that all of Jodie Miller's videos on his youtube channel where he "speaks" is more than probably an AI generated voice.

Since we are aware that Professor Mr. Smith hangs around pedophiles an awful lot and befriends them, that makes him either a pedo himself or a pedophile sympathizer, and 'Jodie Miller' has attempted to sexually groom 14 year old boys with asperngers in the past after Vans Von Kieselstein convinced him that he was a 14 year old boy with asperngers.

A few other retards went along to claim that Jodie Miller is Zokh's alt account or someone closely affiliated with him and the kids Jodie apparently groomed are just SCGN members deceiving people (zero comment on any of these claims.) Many suspected this because around late-2023 Zokh said on Jodie's profile "Shutting this alt down soon, bye retards" or something along the lines of that, and then Jodie's account goes permanently private.

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