Vans Von Kieselstein

From Larp City

(Vans' battle with a teenage negress on omegle.)

Photo of Vans.

Vans Von Kieselstein (also known as the negro punisher in another dimension) is a publicly known inner circle member of the SCGN, known for wrangling various retards such as Samuel Diaz, Niggler and thousands of others, keeping them all wrangled although he did in fact lose one tard, a creature known as Goonpig who is yet to be sited again. He was once the CFO of Jiao Bai Jing Industries until he was due to be fired for touching up underage chinese boys that play Eve Online all day and mine veldspar in low sec systems, except he quit before he could get fired.

Life As The Negro Punisher[edit | edit source]

The Negro Punisher. Possibly Vans from an alternate universe.

The Negro Punisher was Stein's school friend, although many believe that the negro punisher was actually Stein from an alternate universe.

The NegroPunisher is/was a Negro that aped out and shot 33019 pig police after being BLACKmailed over his dick pics being leaked on myspace. He tried to reason with the CEO of Myspace to get them removed, but instead of removing them the CEO of Myspace paid to have the dick pics turned into adverts targeting girls looking to buy honey combs. HERE'S THE FOOTAGE OF HIM SHOOTING THE PLICE OFFICARS:

There is a story on why he did this as well, it goes as follows:

 "okay so his dick pics got leaked to every autistic asperngerish child in the gabyverse and to other planets and galaxies and he and he ended up owning nothing and then he was happy but he was a bit too happy so he sperged out and killed a bunch off plice oficars so thats why he did it"

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Vans was born on the estranged island off the north coast of Europoor known as Britbong Island, a land where young men punch themselves in the face to prove that they're tough strong willed warriors, and horrible dental hygiene, god bless the fuarkn King Charles whatever mayt. Anyways, Vans eventually got sick of living in Britbong Island, so at the age of 3, he moved to Darwin, Australia and lived with a pedophile named Marin Bay on the outskirts. When Darwin was invaded in secret by the CCP when Vans was 4, he was kidnapped by the chink soldiers and was forced to work in a sweatshop run by Jiao Bai Jing Industries located in Zhengzhou, China, forced to make fake gucci wallets for small crumbs of food. Making these wallets was way beyond his skill level which was eventually noted by high rank mandate of heaven affiliates at JBJ. Eventually, he received a promotion to "Advanced Nigger Killer" and was trained in the Chinese art of "Uyghur Nigger Killing" by Jiao Bai Jing's father, Jiao Bai Jing as an alternative to grade school education.

Vans was transferred out to Xinjiang where he was tasked with beating the shit out of filthy Uyghur niggers and taking a fat diarrhea dump on nigger babies that didn't behave in the JBJ funded reeducation camps. He continued with this line of work for a while up until 2012 where he was assigned work at a large JBJ funded slaughterhouse in Discord City, assigned to slaughter filthy retarded pigs. One pig had escaped from the slaughterhouse however during one of his shift's, a filthy Ukrainian pig that will eventually be known as the TheFaggot which costed Vans 15 years worth of his pay check and hundreds of social credits to be lost. Naturally, he sought to get revenge on the TheFaggot for this.

He also fought in the yugoslav wars and touched a few young boys, but it wasn't his fault, the young boys were asking for it.

Fourth Discord City Corporate War[edit | edit source]

From 2013-2015, Vans had fought on the Discord City front line during the Fourth Discord City Corporate War. He was obviously on the side of JBJ while they fought enemy troops from Yggdrasil Industries, the enemy troops being the most powerful race in the world, Filipinos. Mr. Stein had 480,000,000 kills under his belt, all of which were Filipinos. He suffered from PTSD as a result of what he saw when fighting in the war. He saw fucked up shit like Dawgs killing babies that were about to cough on them, and so forth. He had also joined the AidsWaffen Division's air force. There was also recorded footage in 2016 of Vans taking a hairy diarrhea shit a Filipino child. The video in question was uploaded to PornZOG.

Wrangling Samuel Diaz[edit | edit source]

Samuel Diaz.

Sent out on an aboriginal spec ops mission to the tasmanian occupation zone of spring texas, to extract tards from Hobart, the powerful once unwrangled flap belly flapper named Samuel Diaz met Vans in a standoff after causing a ruckus at a running of the bulls event in Spain. Sam had charged at Vans like a bvll, Vans grabbed his wrangling cord, threw it around Sam's neck and hopped on his back where Sam attempted to kick him off. Vans held on to dear life at Sam's fat and eventually tamed him after 78 hours. Vans then kept Sam as a farm animal to keep his grass at a reasonable length.

Working For Jiao Bai Jing Industries & Operation Novax[edit | edit source]

In October of 2022, Vans had been assigned work as an "Honoroburr Information Gatherer" for the newly founded JBJ branch in Steam City, meaning he works with Jiao Bai Jing himself on occasions, as well as Quesadilla. He often gathers information relating to rival corporations and groups, or enemies in general. He was eventually promoted to CFO later down the line, achieving mandate of heaven rank 225 after becoming addicted to chinese MMOs. He also had major involvement with Operation Novax.

Sexual Harassment from Spamton & Jodie Miller[edit | edit source]

In late 2022, Vans had told Spamton he was a 14 year old with mommy issues who hadn't hit puberty in order to psyop him. Spamton genuinely believed this and tried to molest Vans, offering to meet up with him. Spamton uploaded now deleted artwork on Steam involving Vans in relation to this, specifically involving how Vans' ultimate desire for christmas was mommy milkers in his face. Jodie Miller also attempted to sexually assault Vans after being told that he was a 14 year old boy with aspernger's.

Recruitment Into The SCGN[edit | edit source]

Vans, along with This User Got 1984'd were recruited into the ranks of the inner circle of the SCGN in December of 2022 after The Tribunal had met them both at a cock-fighting ring in Steam City's Chinatown district, subsequently inviting them both to the super secret Discord City base known as Plr_Hightower.

Getting Revenge on TheFaggot[edit | edit source]

On the quiet night of December 27th, 2022 in Discord City, Mr. Stein had visited the Pig Pen Strip Club to get a lap dance from a sexy underage swine after he had finished his work for that day. While he was there, however, he encountered an unmissable face, TheFaggot that cost him almost his entire livelihood. Before you fucking know it, Mr. Stein had grabbed the hawg by his curly pig penis, squeezed it with an insane death grip, looked him right in the eyes, poked his chest and said "You are a nigger." After he uttered those powerful words, he fucking overhead threw the hog in to the big pig pen mud wrestling ring with the intention of killing him. The hawg only tried to run away in fear during the first half, but once Mr. Stein started pouring bacon grease on the homosexual hog, that's when the natural piggsy hog instincts of TheHog kicked in. The hog pulled his dildo chainsaw out from his fucking ass hole and tried to anally rape Mr. Stein with it or seduce him, I don't fucking know. Mr. Stein wasn't falling for this pathetic attempt at seduction, so he grabbed the dildo chainsaw and fucking ripped through his entire ass hole with dildo chainsaw. While the hog was bleeding out because of this, Mr. Stein had thrown him in the air, and they had this insane mid air fight sequence. Ultimately, Mr. Stein had won in a pyrrhic victory. Despite Kiselstein's victory in beating the living shit out of an obese hohol pig that has the occasional banana shoved up his ass, it has since degraded his sense of worth, even though he did end up killing him.

Involvement in the Irrelevant Larper Purge Of 2023[edit | edit source]

Vans was involved in the Irrelevant Larper Purge Of 2023, fighting on the side of the SCGN and JBJ. The Bottomfeeders had mass reported Vans during the beginning of the war, getting him community banned, which enacted several troon wars, one of which involved finding the address and dox info of Ahn on January 6th, 2023.

Raped in Prison Vol.1 - 7 Graphic Stories of Brutal Gay Sex[edit | edit source]

A book published by some guy named Gary Bonds, were graphic true stories of brutal prison rape about Vans' time in the Steam City Correctional Facility while he was banned during the ILP. Was he raped, or did he rape? Lots of both, by choice.

Serial Raping of Serbian Boys[edit | edit source]

While Mr. Stein liked to rape young boys in general throughout his career, in 2023 he made a new years resolution or whatever the fuck and he vowed that he was gonna rape 9 year old serbian boys after he saw one when he drove past one in a serbian village outside of an orphanage. He got so horny he broke in to the building and started raping all the 9 year old serbians boys in the building while police officers tried to reprimand him, he wasn't backing down for anything, he was gonna rape the fucking shit out of those 9 year old serbian boys as if Allah demanded it or some shit. He had thrown clumps of shit he had stored in his ass hole like some cunt with down syndrome when they have a tantrum, and he started smacking the serbian police officers in the face with his clumps of shit and they started throwing up everywhere and on the 9 year old serbian boys. After his escape from that one incident, on January 7th, 2023, he had led a militia of Bosnians in the Balkan District of Steam City and they all went to one of the Serbian populated sub-districts, and they raped and murdered and pooped in the mouths of 500 serbs and sacrificed them to the gods of the Uzbeki Pantheon.

Quitting JBJ Industries[edit | edit source]

On June 29th, 2023, Vans had quit JBJ Industries after issues involving upper management. He was caught molesting chinese boys in one of the corporate meetings rooms at the JBJ HQ and was due to be fired, except he quit before Jiao Bai Jing could fire him.

Impact on the Australian vocabulary[edit | edit source]

How Vans sees Australia.

Another fucking britbong makes attempts at colonizing straya again, this time he changes the vocabulary by inventing a dialect known as "Marin Bay speak" which is typing like how an Aussie talks, so in stead of "mate" you'd say "mayt" and instead of "fuck" you'd say "fuarrrk."

War With Eyes Wide Shut[edit | edit source]

After a debate about the English language, britbong conspiracy theorist, Eyes Wide Shut, had declared all out war on Vans, sending his son Halig Hilderinc after him.

Marin Bay's Timezone Rant[edit | edit source]

One day Marin and Vans crossed paths again and all Marin could do is rant to him about timezones for 20 hours and how they make zero sense. This is very important to note.

I-love-thadette.mp3[edit | edit source]


This refers to an mp3 file that Vans recorded when he confessed his love to an Aboriginal bimbo named "Thadette", an affiliate of Thomas Sewell's neo-nazi larping group known as the National Socialist Network. Thadette was wooed by Vans and they now live together, happily married. He also later on sent a bunch of his shit pics to her.

Sharuk Childcare[edit | edit source]

In early 2024, Vans was contacted by St. Ramathan, a messenger sent out from Sharuk Childcare of the Eastern Region of Uganda, out of nowhere at his humble abode in Discord City. Introducing Zokh to Ramathan, Vans and Zokh had talked to Ramathan in a voice call, telling him about Samuel Diaz and how he will save the chosen Ugandan tribes, which led Sam to become a worshipped god amongst several Eastern Region Ugandan tribes.

Links[edit | edit source]