
From Larp City
MAPs Pride Flag.svg.png
Autism banner.png
Spamton in real lyf.
Demir penis.

Spamton also known as Demir, Spamturd, Spamtits, pedophile, turkroach, cat, Turkevarine, etc.) is a 20 something year old turkish pedophile originally from Mutt, Incel, Turkey that now resides in Steam City as arguably one of the highest tier bottomfeeders which isn't really saying much, though still an achievement in some regard. Spamton is known for his favorite online hobby of sexually grooming children but he's also known for larping as a furry, some say he's unironically a furry although he's denied all allegations of this despite the jarring amounts of evidence that he jerks off to furry porn and even has it saved on his hard drive (he has actual child porn saved on his hard drive too, and has admitted this openly to people that dislike him.) He's also known for being insanely unfunny, which isn't his fault because according to Eddmnd, Turks don't understand jokes which is why Spamton will never be funny. Spamton's most known grooming victim is a '15 year old girl' (or who he thought was a 15 year old) named Ain and some other faggot he thought to be a 13 year old tranny (but turned out to be a 30 year old finnish ageplaying faggot) known as Nekomimi. Spamton was massively exposed by Mars in late 2022 for sexually grooming Nekomimi and Ain. Spamton essentially had a few month lasting war with the Degen Pedophile Ring as well as the Myst3ry Gang until the Steam City Gangster Niggers got involved in January/February of 2023 during the Irrelevant Larper Purge Of 2023 which got him absolutely pwned, forcing him to surrender. That was Spamton's last stage of relevancy. Ever since Spamton was exposed, he then resorted to massively whining at the few people that hate his turkish faggot guts, mainly whining how he wants his "old online life" back because he has no life and being a chronically online turkish faggot was his only outlet at having a will to live.

Spamton is also known to be a fierce warrior as he will fight any [[TOUGH GUY]] that dared cross his path (Notably, Spamton also liked to hyperlink every second word in each sentence he would type, as part of his larp). He also believes himself to be completely 100% aryan white, as you can clearly see, he is correct. Here's a vocaroo of his voice:

"My name is not important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins... here!" - El Spamton Demir.

Apparently he's beaten up his family on numerous occasions and his dad abused him in his childhood, he also looks after his neighbours kids at times (if only they knew what he does online XD.)

Spamton venting about a 15 year old Bulgarian tranny.

Spamton is a proud white man.

Jus some info yeah?[edit | edit source]

  • Full Name: Atakan Tezcan
  • Date Of Birth: 11/11/2002
  • Father's Name: Birol Tezcan
  • Sister's Name: Ilayda Tezcan
  • Brother's Name: Batuhan Tezcan
  • Address: 22 Mithatpaşa Cd. Aydın, Turkiye

Hobbies[edit | edit source]

  • Grooming children
  • Watching child porn
  • Beating up family
  • Torturing frogs and animals for fun
  • Worshipping his bloody Ain shrine in his room in the household his parents bought from a German couple
  • Whining online
  • Watching happy tree friends
  • Collecting furry porn and mixing it up with his steam city archives

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Turkevarine[edit | edit source]

A photo of Mert, Spamton's Kurdish best friend.
The 7 Kurds on Spamton's facebook friend list that were saved as part of the Turkevarine prophecy.

Spamton was born in the estranged village of Istanbul, Turkey and moved to Mut, Icel, Turkey after having been sent there as a prisoner by Khagan Erdokhan. His arrival was directly linked to a prophecy which dictated that a prophet known as the "Turkevarine" will bring peace amongst Turks and Kurds, uniting them as the very two separate races they are (turks are white and aryan and kurds are brown and disgusting, as the prophecy stated.) During Spamton's early life in Mut, he fulfilled this prophecy around 2014-2015 after befriending a Kurd named Mert Furkan (Fuaarrrrkn.) Spamton was unironically raped by his dad during his childhood and people at his school, but Spamton sacrificed his innocence for Mert and the local oppressed Kurds residing in Mut. Spamton went atop the Mut Castle and was raped by Jews all to protect the kurds from getting raped. He was also known to be friends with 7 Kurds specifically, he saved 7 Kurds in total, what a hero. Upon fulfilling the prophecy, he had travelled to the internet and lived online for the rest of his days.

They did raping of me... I did doing this to protect of the Kurds...

Before Steam City[edit | edit source]

According to Spamton, he used to jihad furries on social media under the command of Allah so he could have a higher place in Jannah after he dies. He was also known to be an islamic extremist during this time too.

Legacy[edit | edit source]

Arrival In Steam City[edit | edit source]

Spamton arrived in Steam City around November of 2021 after meeting Jim Bob Wee, subsequently meeting Zokh afterwards and the rest of the Steam City Gangster Niggers under the name "El-Demir." During this time, he was a completely different person before his (in his words) "evil urges" got the better of him (he couldn't resist not committing haram on the children.) He was a L.A.R.P.E.R. larping as an islamic terrorist and he would often commute to a group known as the Anti Furry Coalition and would everyday behead and jihad furries and degenerates despite being a closeted one himself. Zokh (not knowing beforehand that he was a stinky poo faggot) found this to be an epic gamer move and mentioned Demir in a section on the entire lore of steam city guide, which he was very grateful for and prayed good health to Zokh the next time he prayed on his prayer mat.

Third Chechen War[edit | edit source]

After Spamton had co-founded the Chechen Mafia's Steam City branch with Alkhazur Estemirov on November 30th, 2021, he was known to have fought on the front line during the Third Chechen War against the Russian Mafia, Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms. at the Steam City Port and the Islam District.

The Great Furfag E-Crusade Of 2022[edit | edit source]

Spamton had heavy involvement in the E-crusade that occurred in February of 2022 by abusing furries on the Anti Furry Coalition steam group. He was also apparently seen driving a toyota hilux in the LGBTQ+ District, slicing the necks of furries with a machete.

The Slow ✨Journey✨ To Inevitable Suicide[edit | edit source]

Furry Larp[edit | edit source]

Apparently after the E-crusade, feeling horrible about what he did for some reason, Spamton could no longer jihad for Islam any longer and he gave up attempting fight the urge to not commit haram acts, subsequently going full degen mode in the process. According to him, his excuse for no longer being a badass Islamic extremist was due to the fact that he's a virgin in his 20's (by choice, according to him) and this is apparently where he began his long arc of sexually grooming children, although he unironically feels less bad about grooming children than berating slurs at random furries online.

Affiliations with the Degen Pedophile Ring[edit | edit source]

Spamton was known to associate with numerous pedophiles from the Degen Pedophile Ring in Steam City, he was apparently deemed as a retard by them and was designated to be thrown under the bus when the time was needed in order to cover their tracks. Notably during this time, he allied with a black israeli pedophile known as Kasdy. They became partners in crime and often doxxed children to make themselves feel masculine.

Grooming Children[edit | edit source]

Nekomimi[edit | edit source]

Spamton began grooming Nekomimi in 2022 which is what's believed to have started the war between Spamton, Mars, the Myst3ry Gang and the Degen Pedophile Ring after he was caught out for it. He was exposed for this in July of 2022.

Ain[edit | edit source]

Spamton confessing his love to a 15 year old Bulgarian tranny.
Spamton's cum shrine profile of Ain.

Ain was basically some attention whore who decided to exploit Spamton's retardation and stupidity in a desperate attempt to play victim during the mass exposure, all to shamelessly have 15 minutes of fame that he would go on to milk for eons. Nevertheless though, Spamton began to have autistic sexual fantasies about Ain and genuinely fell in love.

Spampoop also decorated his wall with an Ain shrine.

Jarnjarpbink[edit | edit source]

This story is lesser known but Jarnjarpbink was an 11 year old norwegian kid who Spamton attempted to groom in January/March of 2023, Spamton had attempted to turn Jarn into a disgusting tranny by telling him to act, dress and talk like a girl for his sexual arousal. Truly a remarkable man.

But Wait, There's Moore![edit | edit source]

According to Mars (extremely reliable source of information), Spamton asked 3 - 4 kids in a voice chat for nude pics and apparently they recorded him doing this. There's actually zero proof of any of this happening but it's probably true. He also attempted to molest Vans Von Kieselstein upon being psyoped into believing he was a 14 year old femboy who hadn't hit puberty. Spamton uploaded an artwork of Vans saying that he craves mommy milkers, doing this out of sexual tendencies.

Role Model 97[edit | edit source]

Spamton explaining the lore of role model, the arch gore poster of Steam City

Role Model 97 is Spamton's lore he made about himself, where he refers to a person that's obviously his alt named "Role-Model-97." The lore is that this is a scary herobrine-esque troll that spams his victims Steam dm's with gore. The reason he apparently has "97" in his name represents how many people he's trolled.

Exposure[edit | edit source]

Spamton admitting to owning CP

(first video Spamton was exposed in, now deleted from Jewtube)

Spamton and Samuel Diaz, the timeless iconic duo. (made by This User Got 1984'd

Spamton was initially exposed for being a pedo in July of 2022, which enacted a civil war between Mars and Spamton, although this didn't really reach the masses of Steam City to a greater extent. He was then exposed for grooming kids around October of 2022, which resulted in the beginning stages of a major civil war amongst the bottomfeeders, Spamton and the redditors. While he was exposed back then, the most major affect on his reputation occurred around December 2022/January 2023 after Spamton's followers had turned on him after finding out this information and began hounding him along with other pedophiles from the Degen Pedophile Ring attempting to cover their tracks which lasted for quite some time. He quickly went nuclear and tried to expose Mars for sexually grooming Nekomimi by accusing him of running a server with Smol that distributed child porn (classic move used by a surprising amount of people) despite having no actual evidence of this, even though it was in fact very very true. In January/February of 2023, in the midst of the Irrelevant Larper Purge Of 2023, he turned to zokh to tell his side of the story, although zokh didn't really care in the slightest. Spamton had a rant about how "evil" the world is (blatantly stealing Toxic Coffee's famous quote, S.M.H.) and how "everything makes no sense" in an attempt to make himself look innocent (classic move by pedophiles) in a Discord group chat with Zokh, Cinders and Quesadilla. After the SCGN disposed of him due to him not providing anything of worth, he went nuclear and began reporting Zokh and Toxic Coffee in an attempt at defeating them/taking the Steam City throne, he also quickly tried to expose zokh and the rest of the SCGN for pedophilia (despite no evidence) in a desperate last resort attempt at taking the heat away from him, although all of this instantly backfired on him, and he was very quick to surrender. Sal had also impersonated Spamton on an alt during the Irrelevant Larper Purge Of 2023, creating a Zokh hate group in the midst.

Alt Account defending saga[edit | edit source]

Due to Spamton losing all of his followers amidst his exposure, he created alt accounts that would go on to defend him in any case necessary. His alts were: cat, role-model 97, his Ain cum shrine alt, his original main account, and a few others. Every time some nigga would call him out for grooming kids, his alts would show up and say "Spamton is are not of a [[[[pedophile]]]] you are thinking of not of the true yes yes hail el demir the true are of lord praise allah habibi." Obviously nobody except maybe a few clueless people believed his bullshit it was horrible.

Spamton offers to suck on the 15 year old underage rat child's fingers.

His funniest alt, created on May 7th 2023, is SPAMTON (THE VILLAIN) which Spamton refuses belongs to him, although it's conspired that the alt in question is just Spamton's venting alt that he uses to yell at people in text.


Died in the 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes rumour[edit | edit source]

When the 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes happened, Spamton went offline for about a month. Many suspected that Spamton had actually died in the earthquakes and began to celebrate his death. Unfortunately he came back and didn't die. Shame.

Rape of his Brother & Sister[edit | edit source]

Spamton has been conditioned to believe that incest is normal.

One day in mid-2023 Spamton apologized to his own brother on Toxic Coffee's steam profile. This sparked a rumour that Spamton actually molested his little brother and he's apologizing for it.

In 2024, Spamton confessed in a vc that he did in fact rape his brother and sister, after Coffee had conversed with Spamton's father.

Coping Arc[edit | edit source]

There's not much more that's left to tell about Spamton's story, other than the fact that he's been having a "redemption arc" despite everyone disliking him. He's in a stage where he's desperate to gain relevancy again, failing to realize that he will never make a comeback LOL. After the Irrelevant Larper Purge, he resorted to going back to sexually grooming children on his "cat" alt, although he was exposed by the SCGN after they immediately noticed similar speech patterns and behaviour. Upon being exposed, that alt of his quickly died and a new alt had been created that posts edgy shit and owns a group called "The Kebab Empire." It's unknown whether that account actually belongs to him or not, but most signs point to yes.

Apologizing[edit | edit source]

Spamton's Apology, on top of the castle of Mutt.

Will Spamton ever climb on top of the Mutt castle and apologize to the people of Turkey? We're yet to see the day.


In mid-2023, The Tribunal of the SCGN confronted Spamton and forced him to apologize for his crimes, as Spamton nonchalantly, with upmost confidence, claimed on his Steam profile that he would NEVER apologize. This had to be done. Although this would merely be discovered, months later, to be a false apology. After this apology, Spamton went entirely off the grid.

Kuwaiti 11 Year Old Boy Ageplay Larp[edit | edit source]

Tranny faggot exposes Spamton's conspired Kuwaiti ageplay larp.

For those unable to comprehend the ghetto babble featured in this screenshot, It's Nawaf having a tantrum about being outed as Spamturds newest account. Although this is still very much a conspiracy.

This is more of a conspiracy than an actual confirmed fact as the level of larping abilities capable of successfully pulling this off is something that Spamturd is evidently unable to possess. Nevertheless, some furfag named "Nawaf" was some retarded pedophile from Kuwait that was exposed for being a pedo in January of 2024, the picture of the cunt in the thumbnail of that trannies video is confirmed fake (elite source of that statement: gospel). Mars, STOPTHIS and Zokh had theorized that this faggot is actually Spamton, as Smol came to the board stating that this tard was running a server full of kids that were slowly being groomed into becoming furfags, this was conveniently occurring after Spamturd went dark. Notably, this retard talks eerily similar to Spamton and seemingly enjoys the same things he likes (particularly regarding the furfag fandom, rather than grooming kids) as well as having a server full of halal islamic shit. Nawaf was exposed on a youtube video, and coincidentally after "Nawaf" got exposed, Spamton came back and tried for another redemption arc.

Notably as well, Ain went mental after an SCGN agent epicly psyoped the Myst3ry Gang.


Spamton is graciously gifted a black e-girl slave for his commendable acts on the community[edit | edit source]

Spamton's conversation with Zokh after graciously receiving a human trafficked black queen.

Most recent of Spamton's conquests, he finally lost his internet virginity.

Spamton's rant about height[edit | edit source]

Spamton ranting about height.

Spamton is apparently obsessed with people's height and feels weak as a man when he sees someone taller than him. He believes the reason The Tribunal exists is solely due to the fact that Greasy Gus, Zokh, and Toxic Coffee are above 6" in height. On May 18th, 2024, Spamton had a rant about Gus' height in particular for hours on end, even talking about him in both English and Turkish. He even challenged Gus to a fight.

Spamton's call to fight Gus. YOU WILL [[FIGHTING ME]], [[BITCH]]!
Spamton challenging Greasy Gus to a fight.

Evil Fucking Spamton[edit | edit source]

Role Model 97, also known as Evil Fucking Spamton (THE VILLAIN.)

The largest plot twist in history had happened, as it turns out Spamton wasn't lying about the infamous Role Model 97's existence, as news had surfaced that this evil fucker is actually Evil Fucking Spamton himself. It's been right in our faces all along, the Spamton (VILLAIN) alt, everything. It's known that this entity exists as a supervillain demigod in a pocket dimension somewhere, where his 97 GROOMED, RAPED & TROLLED victims all serve him and assist him in his nefarious endeavours. While he is evil, he's not as evil as Duncan Leess, that would be far too evil. Role Model 97 is basically Spamton who embraced his pedophilia and evilness (rather than mope around like a miserable faggot about it all, like the real Spamton), to a point where he became a supervillain. Nobody knows what he'll do next, but impersonating Spamton, attempting to become him, has already taken effect. Some say he will cause absolute fucking anarchy amongst our mere mortal existence, may Retronium help us all.

It was in our fucking faces all along. But we all ignored it.

Powerful Schizo Arc[edit | edit source]

Around late May - early June 2024, Spamton began a powerful schizo arc in which for about a few weeks at most, he was deemed the hero of the entire lore. Spamton essentially woke up one day and had an epiphany, and began to embrace his schizophrenia to a never before seen extent. This is believed to have been attributed to how Toxic Coffee sent a link to's Team Fortress 2 page on some random server in Discord City that Spamturd was hiding himself in, a server in which the SCGN had invaded around early May of 2024 after finding out about Spamturds whereabouts and how he confessed his insatiable obsession to The Tribunal, only for him to be #groomed raped and trolled in the process. The only conclusion as to why he began a schizo arc upon being revealed the larp city scrolls is because our scrolls are basically like the elder scrolls, if one sees them, they go fucking permanently blind, although in Spamtits case, he became permanently buckbroken.

Demir's Amazing Digital Circus[edit | edit source]

During his arc, he would rant on Mr. Portugal's discord server for in actuality 70% of his day. During his time in Mr. Portgual's server, an allied group of the SCGN began fucking with him known as the "Tax Collectors", who were noble turkish men that seeked to dox Spamton and go to his house in order to force him to pay his taxes. He would incessantly rant in the server until the SCGN decided that he should actually be ranting like a lunatic on a server that would later be created by Demir around early June known as "Demir's Amazing Digital Circus." The name is in reference to a boring faggy show that trannies love to watch known as the amazing digital trooncus, significant to Spamton because he identified himself with a character from the show known as "Pomni" which is basically just a transgender clown who pretends to be a schizo.

As a result of the server's creation, he immediately gave admin to zokh, then zokh ordered Demir to invite his entire Steam friend list, and only about 15 people at most showed up to the party. Nevertheless, Spamton gained the ego boost of his life and then subsequently began to threaten the SCGN, though offered them mercy by telling them to join Mr. Portugal's "cult" (circlejerk of larpers.) Zokh humbly declined the offer, which sent Mr. Portugal into a fit of rage, causing him to ban about 70% of his entire dead server because he thought they were affiliated with the SCGN.

During this servers lifespan, the Western Australian branch of the SCGN joined and began to spam all the porn they can, then Greasy Gus banned them out of shits and giggles.

Spamton's ex-wife in question.

Spamton also went on a date with this whore from Ohio named "Bon bon", he declared her as his wife although he was swiftly met with a homosexual with a mullet claiming to be her husband. Spamton had fought the fag in a brutal battle, but lost. Spamton also apologized for being a homosexual faggot.

Bon bon was also later harassed by a few of the upper echelons of the SCGN in the most important conversation in human history.

Later on, Spamton was entirely doxxed, including his real name, facebook, home address, father's name, sister's name, etc. He also came to the conclusion that every person involved within Steam City drama is a woman pretending to be a male or a tranny, then concluded that he must be a woman as well. He revealed his grand archive consisting of videos, screenshots, furry porn, etc. in a voice call about all of his findings regarding Steam City, including folder names of every single person involved, dox info, pedo proof, screenshots of fucking community bans, and much moore. You name it, demir has it saved.

(A glimpse of Spamton's grand steam city archives.)

Glimpse of the humble gnome garden.

Greasy Gus on June 12th then decided to nuke the entire server for no reason, banning everyone that had joined except for those with admin, which made Spamton have another meltdown. It then became the Sacred Gnome Garden on June 13th.

While this was all happening, multiple branches of the SCGN and even DEUS decided to fuck with Spamton. Pingüino General spoke with Spamton's father in a voice call, Toxic Coffee did the same on the sacred gnome server later on except it was quickly learned that he doesn't speak english. As a result of being doxxed, Spamturd claimed to have reported multiple SCGN affiliates to the police, fearing that they would send someone to his house.

Footage of Spamton crying.

Selling Soul To Fat Randal[edit | edit source]

After Zokh told Spamton that the Prophet Muhammad is a disgusting pedophile and his entire belief in Islam is actually Satan worship, he quickly converted to Fatism and attributed his beliefs to the Fatrarchy, as evident with his desktop background and his profile on niggercord once, featuring Fat Randal and Toxic Coffee's important quote about the evil world we live in.

Spamton's profile on niggercord after his conversion to Fatism.

War With A Black Israeli[edit | edit source]

Heated flame war, taking place on the streets of Steam City.

Around late June of 2024, "Spamton" declared war on his former partner in crime, Kasdy after his artwork exposing him of pedophilia was banned. This war was totally not orchestrated by the SCGN, though it notably jeopardised their relationship till the end of time.

Do not email xer university about how he has child porn saved on his hard drive.

Links[edit | edit source]