
From Larp City
Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world.

Filipinos are a race of powerful Superhuman-Alien beings of pure fucking 2012-era swag comprised of Time Travellers from the New Valve City realm of Old Nome. They are known to inhabit the Userphone City region of Discord City and the Philippines, disguising themselves as poor third world scum although they are in actual fact the most powerful race on Earth. They take an oriental asian appearance and pretend to be oppressed by the CCP to play victim, despite being unstoppable predators. They are all collectively led by Ganashiro The Scourge Of Walmart, and are the only beings on the planet to practice Shitism.

History[edit | edit source]

Origin[edit | edit source]

Filipinos originated in the same realm as New Valve City, although seemingly before the abandoned megacity built by the Walmart corporation was destroyed, taken over by the Ganashiro Tribe, and rebuilt in 9991 BC to officially become New Valve City. The Filipinos are basically the only surviving race of this realm as a result of the apocalyptic level of economical failure that occurred within it, or that's what's been told, it's unknown if anything else resides there. They look akin to Asians on Earth, although this is pretty much by sheer circumstance rather than anything meaningful, although they did use this to their advantage when hiding on Earth.

They eventually learned the ways of Time Travel somehow, and a few thousand of them time travelled to Earth under the guise of the Ganashiro Tribe in 9994 BC, inhabiting the modern day islands of the Philippines, killing the native primitive tribes on the islands known as the "Tabon Man" and built their society, eventually breeding into 117 Million+ today. They exist with the goal of destroying the Walmart corporation in every single realm in existence. So in this sense, while there are 117 Million+ filipinos in the Universe, there may be many more that have been bred in the infinite number of realms of Old Nome and beyond.

In modern day, before 2012 (canonical end of the world), Filipinos were known as the swagiest motherfuckers alive because they all wore snapbacks and walked out of their jobs because of a no snapback policy, which ultimately resulted in massive economic decline in the entire Phillipines. After 2012, the filipinos then lost their swag but kept their immense power. Now all they're known for is that a lot of Filipino women on TikTok like to pretend to have Spanish ancestry due to the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, saying that their (literal) garbage food is akin to food in Spain and Latin America, and apparently their culture and society is exactly the same as it is in Spain, it's basically the same as niggers and how they claim to have built america by theyselves n shieet.

Society[edit | edit source]

The capital city of the Philippines, this is the only street with a paved road.

Filipinos all live like third world scum and like underdeveloped niggers. Their common cuisine generally consists of Bungholes and gutter oil and mud. They also live in places that don't have paved roads and they all walk barefoot in the streets like the animals they are. Their redeeming quality is that they don't worship Islam because that would be fucking terrible.

They also eat shit from the garbage and have a name for it, they call it "Pagpag" and it's basically the fatberg equivalent of food.

Rivalry With Walmalians[edit | edit source]

They are generally harmless to other entities but have immediate hostility towards Walmalians, as they are their greatest enemy in the entire Universe. The Walmart City Civil War (1488 - 1516 AD) was a war that occurred in Walmart Island's capital sub-district, Walmart City, that involved a Filipino invasion of the district, although VALVE has taken measures to scrap this from most historical evidence due to unknown reasons. While the Filipinos had lost the war, they came back to Steam City during North Park War III in 2026 to kill Lord Ursus The Walmart Guardian, which Ganashiro The Scourge Of Walmart had succeeded in doing.

Presence in Userphone City[edit | edit source]

Userphone City is known to harbour quite a lot of filipinos for some reason. There is an active war within the city known as the Userphone City Civil War. It is a war between the allied factions of the Gassers and the Walmart Tribe and their campaign against the Filipinos and the Torres-Strait Islanders. The SCGN have encountered them numerous times on their travels to Block-Jitsu every woman imaginable. They convinced one of them to speak up about who they really are, but most of the time, the filipinos typically remain stagnant and pretend to be innocent despite their nefarious intentions.

Filipino attempting to manipulate a Walmart Tribe official.

Leaving Earth[edit | edit source]

In 2039 during the Independent Black Women War that ended all of humanity, all Filipinos collectively went inside a giant spaceship that could fit all 117 Million of them and they left in the blink of an eye. Nobody knows what happened to them, as their leader, Ganashiro, went missing and had lost his ability to time travel. Many speculate that The 1% Corporation got a hold of him somehow and are keeping him captive somewhere.