Jewish Global Elite

From Larp City
They're laughing at you because you just took a vaccine that now gave you AIDS and changed your genes.
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The Jewish Global Elite (or as Ander Tater calls it: "The Matrix") refers to a group of fucking influential nerds and geeks that like to call themselves "the 1%" because they genuinely believe themselves to be gods, even though they're just a big club that are run by "people" that are very good with numbers (I believe they're known as Jews) and they control very stupid fucking beings known as goyim. This group, as seen in the lovely 1999 film, Eyes Wide Shut (not to be confused with the schizophrenic britbong, Eyes Wide Shut), is depicted as a secret society of sexually obsessed/pedophilic mask wearing occultists and very talented actors that control the many fundamental aspects of goyim society, their primary influence being in the most relevant part of the world, aka. da west.

They have envisioned and perpetrated the idea of ZOG on to the world. This group controls all aspects of banking, the vatican, freemasonry, YOUR government, mainstream media, the majority of social media, hollywood, book publishing, mainstream music (such as Pop and Rap 'music'), the medical industry, western politics, the economy, and so forth. Their primary goal is to dehumanize and control every aspect of YOUR life, and achieve godhood (which they will never do.)

Members of the group are believed to be descendants of multiple Jewish dynasties, all of which are descended from Cain, the first modern Jew. Mainstream celebrities (hollywood), higher up western politicians (especially presidents), and billionaires originating from the west are generally believed to come from the same bloodline as they are chosen at birth, placed in goyim society until their time comes and are taught how to cheat the game of money through secrets taught in freemasonry (which is pretty much a coverup for something else.) It's also worth noting that once an individual reaches $1 Billion in net worth, they are forced to join this group or they are assassinated, this is to prevent the risk of being overthrown due to money being the most powerful asset in the spiritual beliefs of kikes.

The Jew elite uses blackmail as a way to keep their members in line, this was achieved in modern day thanks to Jeffrey Epstein who was tasked with filming celebrities and billionaires having sex with children on his island.

In order to gain major influence within this group, it's accustom that members abuse children and sell their soul to Satan. Who exactly leads this group is unknown, and there's a high likelihood that the members of this group aren't even aware of whomst'dve is running it all. It's generally believed that several rich Jewish families have the most influence, such as BlackRock, the Rothschild Family and so forth, although this could very well be a false flag due to how dangerously publicly known this information is amongst the goyim scum.