Minimalist Profile

From Larp City
Example of a minimalist profile, as you can see, xe possesses no friends, one showcase, 9 comments, level 10, 1 game.

Minimalist Profile is a psyop popularized by Sal that is now a notable hip, cool, in the now, and funky fresh trend in Steam City culture. It's essentially reducing your entire Steam profile to the most minimal you can make it, because that's #groovy. Bottomfeeders fucking love this profile for some reason, maybe it's because it makes them look like they have schizophrenia or something, which is also another hip cool trend in itself. Overall, the minimalist profile is fucking badass, as long it is used to look like an alpha male that couldn't be bothered to spend money on steam to level up their steam profile, rather than seeking attention out of it. The true minimalist profile however, is the non-setup steam account owned by a 6 year old from some former soviet country in central asia.

The real minimalist profile.

In order to properly wear a minimalist profile, you must remove 99% of your friend list, no more than 10 people are allowed to enter your friend list under ANY circumstance. Remove all profile showcases to maximize your minimalistic power, delete all comments as well, although this is controversial to bottomfeeders as this contradicts their incessant need for appearing famous online. Once you've completed these steps, you're now cool.