
From Larp City
Alexgino photocreditblakecaarens-c92175d9ce8e1036545564f392cc01391dcc53d7.jpg
Gaby's canonical appearance as a valid fucking QVEEN.
Status Buckbroken and Dead.
Born February 26th, 1968 (Died June 19th, 2022)
Gender Niggerfaggotgender-Autisticsexual (Xyr/N/I/G/G/E/R/xem)
Race Jew loving goyim.
Affilation Steam Moderation Team (Chief Of The S.M.T. 2022-2022, Succeeded by Walter The Farting Dog)
Saul's support ticket to Gaby, proving Gaby to be an antisemite.

Gaby was the transgender faggot former chief of the Steam Moderation Team whom was groomed by Karma into enacting the Great Gaby Purge (an enactment of a statute in 2022 during the Great Purge Of Steam City that allowed the S.M.T. jannies to ban anyone they wanted, with the Russo-Ukraine special military operation being used as the excuse for this.)

Early life[edit | edit source]

Childhood[edit | edit source]

Gaby was born on February 26th, 1968, to a loving mother and a rather abusive father who beat Gaby for seemingly no reason at all multiple times a day. Gaby was sent to an LGBTQ+ kindergarten in Los Angeles where he was brainwashed with propaganda and indoctrination. Every time Gaby would refer to himself as "He" instead of "they" he would receive a beating from the teacher. Gaby was a very mentally challenged kid and these beatings completely fucked his psyche. Gaby's mother eventually stopped loving Gaby due to his inability to move out of home.

Life in Steam City[edit | edit source]

After cutting his penis off via gender reassignment surgery, Gaby joined the Steam Moderation Team when he was a 20 year old neet with no ambitions or general goals in life. His only way of coping with having no friends or family that loves him was to have the power to ban anyone who had conflicting beliefs with his, not realising that he was a puppet for VALVE, and it's not like he cared anyway when someone reminded him. Gaby had banned TRILLIONS during his time which eventually granted him to be Chief of The Steam Moderation Team in 2022 for being a good goy.

Great Purge Of Steam City[edit | edit source]

Gaby is notable for being the nigger who was blamed for all the false banning of literally everyone at the time of the Great Gaby Purge. How did everyone know it was Gaby banning people and not just responding to every support ticket? Shut up faggot, that's how. Realistically though, it was probably Gaby as he was always seemingly the one to respond to every fucking ticket, and once many denizens of Steam City stopped seeing Gaby after his assassination by GAYBANIA, nobody was getting falsely banned. Toxic Coffee theorized that Gaby was actually fired from VALVE for incompetence. XD if true.

Before his assassination however, it is believed that Gaby was the one who permanently banned Zokh's main account in January of 2022 after Karma groomed him into doing it. This ultimately started the Great Gaby Purge and a series of thousands of more bans on connected Steam City criminals followed throughout the year, he was specifically banning those with connections to the two biggest rivalling groups at the time The 50% and Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms., even attempting to assassinate Duncan Moore. Duncan FUCKING MOORE.

Assassination[edit | edit source]

Gaby was assassinated by leader of GAYBANIA/CEO of Abkhaz Constructions, Finn, on June 19th, 2022. The motive for the assassination was due to how Gaby was responsible for the deaths of several Steam City crime bosses that were close friends of his.

Funeral[edit | edit source]

Gaby just rotted on the floor of his bedroom, decomposing on the dorito crumbs and dirty laundry in his room. I'm not sure who I feel more bad about, Gaby due to his way of lifestyle or Finn having to endure the stench of Gaby's parents basement when he went to assassinate him.