Internet Cities

From Larp City

Internet Cities are a term used to describe an interconnected network of cities on Earth and the Solar System that possess attributes influenced by aspects adopted from the World Wide Web, culturally, logistically, infrastructurally and financially. Similar to Mark Zogerbergs wet dream fantasy known as the Metaverse, or the fucking setting of Wreck It Ralph 2 or some shit, although the difference is that they exist in real life. Many racist and homophobic schizos (the true scholars of the world) have theorized that the internet cities don't actually exist within consensus reality, they merely exist in a hyperreality sense, although if that were true then how come I could fuck your mom?.

Politically, most internet cities are controlled by various aspects of ZOG and the CCP which is why they're considered dystopian due to the influence of these evil superpowers ruled by psychopaths that have a gruelling hatred towards the goyim. The two largest internet cities as of now are Steam City and Discord City, existing as the largest megalopolis' within the entire Solar System.

Many internet cities are known for being technologically advanced far beyond ordinary societies, which is primarily due to the physical essence of Autism (the most expensive element in the entire Universe) and how various megacorporations, aligned to ZOG and the CCP, withhold possession of the Autism reserves. These megacorporation's often sell amounts of the reserves to Lizard People in exchange for their advanced technology that has been preserved since the nuclear annihilation of the Sixth Global Civilization.

Due to how every internet city is interconnected, separated from the rest of the world, the internet cities are considered an alternative realm on Earth. Many of the residents of these cities aren't actually aware of the existence of the outside world due to how certain corporate governments have enacted tight security measures, preventing anyone from leaving certain cities, which is why ordinary goyim on the regular Earth society aren't aware of them.

Traversing to each of the cities is accomplished by various methods, such as traversing through sewers or going to the fucking local mages guild (larper's guild) or some shit or whatever the fuck and they'll teleport you to some shit hole. Ordinary citizens of ZOG/CCP influenced cities generally aren't allowed to travel to certain known cities without clearance, due to active conflicts and propaganda/A.N.A.L. reasons.

What Qualifies as an Internet City?[edit | edit source]

Mayt listen roight I don't even want to explain that shit because it's so insanely complicated and there is simply too much lore to explaim, so guess fucking what, if it's listed, it's an internet city, if it's fuckin not, then it's not, alroight?

Notable Cities[edit | edit source]

It's unknown how many internet cities actually exist, some speculate there to be thousands, there's also zero reason as to why all but one of them have "City" at the end of them, it's just a coincidence. These are the most notable internet cities, or the most renowned:

History[edit | edit source]

The Azn Autism Age & The Heist[edit | edit source]

Around 12000 BC, the physical essence of Autism had been discovered by Chinese expeditioners, which, after understanding its true value and power, they ended up using to dominate the entire globe for thousands of years, which was generally regarded as the Autism Age. After the Great Hwan Empire split in to multiple independent nations, a super Jew mastermind known as Gaben Newell had plotted to steal the near entire supply of Autism by convincing the Great Hwan Empire to enact war on the existing independent states which led to the Finno-Korean Hyperwar lasting from 8245 BC to 6172 BC. During the course of the war and the destruction of the existing nations, VALVE slowly took the entire supply and used it to technologically advance VALVE City (the first internet city) tens of thousands of years in to the future.

The Second Internet City & The Sprawl[edit | edit source]

After the Discordia Annexation War concluded, perpetrated by imperial chinks from the Ming Dynasty in 1403 AD that were originally sent on an expedition to traverse the north pacific ocean, the chinks discovered Autism reserves underground that had not been stolen by the VALVE corp. After stealing these reserves, Emperor Zhu Di was contacted by the race of Lizard People and was offered a [[VERY SPECIL DEAL]] in order to become a [[BIG SHOT]]. Zhu sold a fair amount of Autism to the Lizard People and was given advanced tech. The Lizard People had informed Zhu that the goyim were not allowed to see this technology for various reasons, subsequently giving him technology in order to colonize the moon, although some believe that the Ming Dynasty simply created the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (replacing whatever fucking island Discordia was located on) and built the megacity there, thus founding Discord City. Upon Zhu's death, one of his generals had taken over and had founded Tencent Ltd which would ruled the city for many years. This began the conflict between the ZOG/Chink'd internet cities as many separate cities began to emerge over the course of hundreds of years. Many ancient cities also later became Internet Cities, such as the ancient underground society of Kiwifarm City that effectively became one of the larger rebel states of the internet cities, un-aligning itself from both ZOG and Chink influence.