
From Larp City
Tha Universe
AdobeStock 105677222-730x365.jpg
Type Universe
Age 999 Jeffyillion.
Heat Death 100,000,000 AD (1st - 32nd Iteration of the Allahverse)

Sometime during the Post-Youngberg Era, 33rd iteration of the Allahverse

Location Allah Oval, Allahverse
Autism Level 69 Jeffyillion (AL)
Inhabitants Mortal Life

Lots of other shit

The Universe is a plane of existence in the Allahverse, known for being the oldest realm of the Allah Oval, created to hold the mortal creations of both the Chaos Gods and the Order Gods of primarily The Five and The Three as well as the many other pantheons that exist. The known Universe is comprised of infinite space confined to an artificially created wall created by the First Uzbeki Civilization octillions of years ago that has a few entrances to it, though they're near impossible to reach, hence why most civilizations from the Universe, after the Uzbeki's reign, have yet to dominate outside the Universe. The unknown part of the Universe is referred to as the "Panhandlan Void", as the Universe has since known to have taken a Panhandle shape ever since the formation of Panhandles themselves, making the void a chaotic wasteland filled with residue from adjacent realms of the Allahverse, such as the Oggahverse and the Pooverse. The Panhandlan Void is known to be confined to another barrier known as a Loosh Farm Forcefield that prevents mortals, even their souls (aside from afterlife), from escaping.

Galaxies[edit | edit source]

An number of infinite galaxies exist within the Universe, though there are notable ones such as the Andromeda Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy and the Childpornium Galaxy.

Star Systems[edit | edit source]

The Solar System and the Shitlar System are the most notable star systems to exist, the Solar System, being at the center of the Universe as Earth is fucking special. We don't know much about any others since much of history regarding this has been erased.

History[edit | edit source]

Map of the Universe, according to scat fetishists of the Filipino Sonic Community.

Post Allah Fart Era[edit | edit source]

Allah Fart Event[edit | edit source]

The Allah Fart Event was the creation of the Universe in 999 Jeffyillion BC which is when time in itself began, thus birthing the Post-Allah Fart Era. Allah had farted out the entire Universe from his asshole with the intention of instilling peace amongst The Five in order to not destroy the Allahverse in wars fought by gods. By fusing order and chaos together, he was able to allow his fart to form the realm, he eventually created the Allah Oval as an expansion pack DLC type shit so The Five can create their own realms and planes of existence, just so their creations could fight each other in an attempt to instil true peace.

The Star Systems[edit | edit source]

The Shitlar System was the first of the notable star systems to be created, which indirectly resulted in the creation of the Pooverse following the Battle Of The Shitlar System that occurred in 680 Jeffyillion BC, a war fought against Dylan Giggle and Penis McPlurple O'Jackson, who would eventually become Hairy Diarrhea God upon his purgatorial confinement to the Pooverse.

Around 15 Quattuordecillion BC, the Solar System was created by Allah at the very center to serve as a testing to ground to see if the "chosen" mortals (the ones on Earth) could achieve singularity without interference.

Domination Of The First Uzbeki Civilization[edit | edit source]

First Earth was created in the Solar System in 345,354,234,872,345,762,654,233,212,876 BC by Retronium, which Allah couldn't do anything about. This resulted in the birthing of the most powerful race in mortal history, the Uzbeki 6 Year Olds. The Uzbeki 6 Year Olds, under the ruling and leadership of now god ascended Sansfungus2006 of the Uzbeki Pantheon, colonized 100% of the entire Universe and even urbanized it to form a 100% covered urban sprawled megalopolis. They also colonized 100% of the Oggahverse, as well as 98% of the Pooverse. Their influence however, was destroyed in 333,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 BC after Sansfungus2006 attempted to physically fight Allah for complete domination of the Allahverse, although he ceased to exist as a result of this, and so did the rest of the First Uzbeki Civilization, it's unknown if they were destroyed, but all remnants of their existence were destroyed, along with First Earth.

Fatbergs and what their presence in the Universe means[edit | edit source]

Fatbergs are essentially the actual "black holes" of the Universe. They exist with the conformity of consuming all matter, under any circumstance. They were first sighted in the Universe upon the creation of Greasy Gus in 900,000,000,000 BC after they were created from a fat black woman's ears.

Marianokin Expeditions[edit | edit source]

The First Marianokin Empire, as well as the Second Marianokin Empire, were known for exploring the Universe and beyond, colonizing various planets, stars, moons, etc. even building settlements on them. On Neptune, a statue of some cunt mewing was discovered by science, proving the Marianokin colonized other planets.

Half Destruction Of The Universe[edit | edit source]

An entity known as Greasy Toxic Zokhfee was known to have destroyed half the Universe upon his death in the Retronium Doffster-Greasy Toxic Zokhfee War that took place in 30,079,987 AD. It was truly a fucked up war.

Heat Death of The Universe[edit | edit source]

For 32 iterations of the Allahverse, the End Of Times War in 100,000,000 AD against Kris Youngberg and Brick has destroyed the Universe along with the rest of the Allahverse.

On the 33rd Iteration, during the Post-Youngberg Era, the entire Universe became nothing more than a tiny spec of irrelevancy due to the sheer uncontrollable chaos prevalent within the Gabyverse due to the truce of Brick and Kris Youngberg that prevented the traditional Allahverse Resets. It's speculated that it was destroyed by natural selection.