
From Larp City

(Cosmology map of the Gabyverse 2,452,567 AD.)

The Gabyverse refers to the totality that holds the entirety of existence. It exists as a result of a clash between order and chaos which created the Allahverse along with several believed existing planes such as: Nomia, Old Nome, Falmernoongarborea, Goblingolia, Norvenia and Old Boxtrollhatten (formerly Troniumstan).

The Gabyverse is believed to be entirely made out of Autism and Chromosomes, the integral elements of all existence.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

Someone in the SCGN came up with the name on a whim one day, naming it after now deceased former transgender Steam Moderation Team chief, Gaby. Funny fucking name.

Theories[edit | edit source]

Rentfreeverse Theory[edit | edit source]

The Rentfreeverse Theory, theorized by the Doffsterian Society, suggests the entire Gabyverse was created by Retronium, and that everything metaphysically exists as a result of how Retronium lives rent free in every being's head, as all beings perceive existence with their minds, allowing everything exist, thus making the 'Tronium the godhead.

Gorillion Theory[edit | edit source]

The only known entity's head that Retronium doesn't live rent free in, is a mythical creature known as The Gorillion of Dwarf Island. It's believed by various scholars that the Gorillion is the true godhead as Retronium can not kill him nor determine his fate at all in any dimensional plane, including the Gabyverse. Scholars have suggested that Retronium's existence is a fabrication of a larger Gorillion's dream, although this would mean that the Tronium lives in the larger Gorillion's head to some degree, except he probably pays fortnightly rent to the Gorillion or some fuckin shit. This theory also suggests that the Gabyverse is an immensely corrupt place, with there being the dualistic concept of "right and wrong", or "order and chaos", hence the phrase: ✨It's an evil world we live in✨. Based on the metaphysics of the Gabyverse, it is also suggested that everything has already been planned out in advance, except The Gorillion was never part of that plan.

History[edit | edit source]

The History of the Gabyverse is divided into 3 main distinct era's: Before Time, Post-Allah Fart, and Post-Youngberg. This page serves to give a brief explanation of the most important and defined era's of the Gabyverse and Earth. The Before Time Era obviously lacks any time at all, while each other eras use BC (Big Chromosome) and AD (Aryan Downie) for each year. An era archaically refers to a period of time that is set before or after a paradigm shifting moment in history, such as the before, creation and aftermath of the Universe. Sub-era's also exist within each major era to describe more specific periods of history in specific locations/regions.

A lot of the Gabyverse's history is known through the Book of Shitism (also known as the Book Of Og) written by Ganashiro The Scourge Of Walmart. While a lot of the book is incoherent babble, Martin Cabello III is the only man who is able to decipher the text due to his schizophrenic-autist enlightened mind and superior intellect.

Before Time Era[edit | edit source]

The Before Time Era refers to the period of pre-history that includes the origin of the creation of the Universe, prior to the advent of time and space. The laws of nature were unset, thus making a timeline an artificial fabrication. During this era, nothing physically existed in a comprehensible sense, the only entities that existed during this time were Allah, his underage wife Al-Lat, his Abo roommate Baayami, and the gods of the Allahverse Pantheon.

Post-Allah Fart Era[edit | edit source]

Flammarion Woodcut 1888 Color 2.jpg

999 Jeffyillion BC - 100,000,000 AD

The Post-Allah Fart Era was a notable period in which the Universe, Jannah, Hell, the very laws of nature and physics itself had been created within the Allah Oval, also known as the Grand Arena. The Era spans from 999 Jeffyillion BC to 100,000,000 A.D. with the reset of the Allahverse, which was an event known as the End Of Times War perpetrated by an incomprehensibly powerful entity known as Kris Youngberg. This era contains the entire history of Steam City, Earth, and beyond.

Post-Youngberg Era[edit | edit source]

100,000,000 AD - 452.7 Jeffytroniumillion NGR.88

Kris Youngberg, 429.59 Jeffyillion AD.

The Post Youngberg Era refers to a period where the End Of Times War ended in a truce between Brick and Youngberg during the 33rd iteration of the Allahverse. This period was known to be the most chaotic period in history as civilizations achieved singularity and battled the gods themselves in wars lasting Jeffyillions of years before the entire Gabyverse imploded by unknown means in 452.7 Jeffytroniumillion NGR.88.