Steam City Gangster Niggers

From Larp City
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Steam City Gangster Niggers (SCGN)
The SCGN Inner Circle (The woman in the background is Duncan Moore.)
Founded 2020 or 2022
Membership At least 400+ directly associated members (implying they have the influence of many more)
Leader(s) Sansfungus2012, Zokh, The Tribunal
Territory Steam City, Discord City, Facebook City, Reddit City.
Activities Jaywalking, Harassment, Trolling, Homophobia, Racism, Xenophobia, Islamophobia, Spreading Misinformation, Money Laundering, Scamming Children on Roblox and Unturned, Illegal Gambling, Extortion, E-Girl Trafficking, Arms Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Assassination, Murder, Racially Motivated Genocides, Steam Point Laundering.
Allies & Enemies
Allies Walmart Tribe, Gassers, Sharuk Childcare, DEUS, Secret Order Of Reddit Trolls, PUNISHED HOUNDZ, Parpin' Brapsters, Farters Gang, Taliban, Hezbollah, Esoteric Order Of The Uzbeks, HANG FAGGOTS OFF TREES, 2nd MGTOW Incel Division, Funny Talking, ADL, Various Somali Pirate groups in Africa, Nyirripi Petrol Sniffing Tribe, WANG DONG NEWS NETWORK.
Enemies VALVE, Jewish Global Elite, Degen Pedophile Ring, Putt Gang, Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms., Steam Moderation Team, Miraheze Moderation Team, Wikidot City, Filipinos, Userphone, Copecord, Foids, Big Locker Bullies, Gabriel Santos Mariano.

The Steam City Gangster Niggers (abbreviated SCGN) are an elite club of the most top minded, diligent, infamous and zealous Schizos, Trolls and Autists within Steam City. They are known for essentially being the kingpin group of the entirety of Steam City's criminal underworld, although as of 2024, they have taken the mayoral throne of the entire city after dethroning Gaben Newell and Maurice The Orangutan via. rigging the 2024 Steam City Election.

The SCGN are known for their ruthless behaviour towards the masses and bottomfeeders (the false beings) and often participate in usurping groups while actively instilling fear in to the very lives of various classes of Steam City citizens including: faggots, minorities, foids, jews, unironic larpers and clout chasers. They are known to control every aspect of the lives of bottomfeeders through various psyops such as inventing 123 Language (B low, a bow), the "Minimalist Profile" setup, and various other trends unbeknownst to the ordinary populace. They control and have infiltrated various aspects of larger groups such as the Degen Pedophile Ring and strive to attain complete dominance over the entire Steam platform. As of now, they have members in the hundreds, possibly even thousands, on par with other powerful groups such as the Degen Pedophile Ring, DEUS, and VALVE.

The group exists as a prophesized council formed with the intention of uniting all the independent Troll Clans within Steam City into a mega superpower, creating the ultimate force to be reckoned with. The SCGN are arguably regarded to withhold the most influence amongst the troll clans, racists, and schizophrenic autists in the city and the entire Steam platform. The goals of the SCGN and their intentions of gaining an immense amount of power and influence are simple: expunge the online sphere of all fags, niggers, trannies, pedophiles, foids, and pajeets to make the world a better place.

Jim Halpert, head of the SCGN Eastern European branch.

How To Join The SCGN[edit | edit source]

If you're interested in joining this zealous group of schizophrenics, one must meet an inner circle member in real life (the SCGN inner circle consists of 36 people, at least one inner circle member in every single country/timezone, this is not a problem) (contacting an inner circle member can be done by contacting an SCGN member, they are typically found in many groups throughout Steam, they're quite easy to find) and must subject themselves to a recruiting ritual in which they are shown the outright truth of what they will face in their time of service within the group, including being beaten with a sack of potato's and trained in the art of Block-Jitsu and so forth. This is to instil mental discipline since the SCGN does not fuck around, son. After meeting with an inner circle member in real life, they are then able to meet The Tribunal face to face via. contacting them online somewhere, whether it be Steam or Discord or even Facebook, it doesn't matter the SCGN has factions everywhere. Upon meeting at least one of the tribunal members. The requirements of becoming a member of the SCGN generally depends on how much of an alpha male sigma rizz lord you are. If you're a faggot and/or if you're unfunny, you'll be thrown in a ditch. One of their largest main groups is The 50%, although there exist many others such as Toxic Coffee Corporations, Jiao Bai Jing Industries and the CRYSTAL METH TRUCKERS UNION to give an example.

An example of the recruitment ritual, this lass showed her devout loyalty by pledging allegiance to Fat™, a man of great honour.

Group Chats/Servers[edit | edit source]

The SCGN typically communicates and has spread itself across hundreds of random Steam group chats containing hundreds of people and various Discord Servers. Why is that? Because it's a 400 iq move that's why, chud muffin. The Fatberg Servers are an example of this, since the upper echelons of the SCGN tend to change the 'main server' every week in a ritualized cycle that doesn't have a name but is telepathically known and understood.

Ipads kids legion 2. An iconic SCGN safe haven.

See Also[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Think we gonna give you fuel to fuck wit us nigga? dam nyigghuh UOOOOOOOOOHGHHHH

Colonizing and Usurping the Steam platform[edit | edit source]

The SCGN has currently colonized and conquered a fair portion of the Steam Community's platform, typically groups and various comment sections. They currently have many groups under their influence, with membership ranging from extremely niche groups of like 5 people to groups with thousands of members. With their subsidiary group, the CRYSTAL METH TRUCKERS UNION, they typically rape groups in conquest just like the mongols did.

How The SCGN Stole a Star[edit | edit source]

It's too much to explain on how the SCGN glitched the systems on a website where you can buy a star, but long story short, the SCGN mogged Gru from Dispicable Me (who couldn't even steal the fucking moon) by stealing a star. It's a beautiful star.

The biggest heist in history.

The SCL Psyop[edit | edit source]

Example of a brave israeli warrior wielding the SCL badge of honour.

In order to show the widespread influence of the SCGN, a notable amount of members involved themselves within a mass psyop to scullymog the various bottomfeeders at the end of the Irrelevant Larper Purge Of 2023. It happened for no reason, but to display sheer power and dominance while also angering a lot of schizos.