
From Larp City
A photo of Zokh, the Chinese-Australian-Abo, disciple of Sansfungus2012, the most hated Steam user of all time.
Age 11
Born Chongqing, China
Religion Tengrist Warism
Affiliation SCGN

The Tribunal

The 50%


Chess Club

Wild Animal Racing Community

Powers Scullymogging, Block-Jitsu, Rizzardry, faking a deep voice for black e-girls on valorant, unintentionally pissing off schizo's.
Likes and Dislikes
Likes A woman that knows how to make a man his PB&J
Dislikes Homosexuals, Indians, the Japanese

Zokh, (also known as Lorkhan, zoak, zog, rock, block, 12'11" autistic mongrel dog, LOTLIZARD_HUNTER52856912968561558695062165, Dehao Zhang, Lei Feng, Leung Wong, Peter Scully Fan, Usman Ali, Pokimane's plumber, Pokimane's feet worshipper, JeffreyEpsteinFan33, Wakaflockaflame2, Chinee Man, Curryman27, METH TRUCKER, very nice man, very unnice man, most wanted pedophile on steam, jaxx's best friend, nk's former best friend, biggie cheese's left nutsack, The Poop Lord, Lord Ursus The Walmart Guardian, roblox child trafficker, the guy woomzy hates, the guy putt hates, the guy xedra hates, the guy jacks loves, I LOVE JEWS, Pooperman, Badass Biker, Badass Tow Truck Driver, ESHAY BRAH, The spiritual successor to Zyzz, WomanBeater 40000, I <3 RUSSIA AND SERBIA, Crippling Heroin Addict, EATLER, plus 5000 more chinese, arabic and russian names) Born in 1974 in Chongqing, China, he is known for being the leader and founder of the SCGN, seen as a prophet to the raider/troll/chudic communities throughout Steam City, and a prominent documenter of the history and lore of the Gabyverse. Formerly a disgusting urbanite city dweller, he lives alone in the abo land forests, far away from ZOG (and goyim) (stealing from centrelink and the Australian tax payers, leeching off the system) with the friends he made along the way and the schizo's and mentally ill people he pisses off daily. A known achievement of Zokh's is that he currently holds the world record for the most community bans ever received by a Steam user (20000+ Community bans, 8000 permanent), he also happens to be the most blocked user and is hated by half of the steam community. Being known to groom Latina/Brazilian and black women in Discord City, despite being severely autistic, aunstintic and chudic, he's considered to be a black belt in rizzardry as well as being mastered in the art of Block-Jitsu (thanks to sensei Toxic Coffee, the Block-Jitsu kang.) According to a wise Cambodian wizard/monk known as Eddmnd: "Steam dies during euro hours because Zokh isn't active."

Actual Schizo Theories of the existence of Zokh[edit | edit source]

Numerous schizophrenic members of the Degen Pedophile Ring, the Putt Gang and smaller groups have theorized Zokh to be an artificial fabrication exclusively invented by DEUS (because he's claimed to be Australian) and smaller troll groups in a collaborative effort devised as an operation to purposefully piss off the schizophrenic/degenerate population of Steam City. It's unknown if Zokh is actually a real person, some believe this due to multiple instances that have occurred, particularly assassination attempts and exposing attempts, proving he can not die under any circumstance.

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Before arriving to Steam City[edit | edit source]

Zokh was born somewhere along the outskirts of Chongqing, China and was raised by a penjing tree. Zokh never went to school, instead he just tended his rice field all day and everyday and on a few occasions was arrested for masturbating in public. Zokh never had any real interaction with the online sphere before his major infamy and rise to power in Steam City other than watching a few youtube poop videos every now and then and some child porn he had saved on his 5 gigabyte hard drive. Another thing that is known about his childhood is that he was molested by a guy dressed up as Santa Claus when he was 6 years old, he had told his mother, but she didn't believe him.

Arrival in Steam City[edit | edit source]

Zokh had arrived in Steam City in 2020 after his rice field and house burned down. Zokh initially blamed the muslims and indians for this for no real reason at all during a severe autistic outburst which made him envision many things, such as the existence of the Internet Cities. Zokh then arranged to go on a dangerous trek in order to travel to the city with the goal of preaching his racist, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and obscene views to the denizens of the most technologically advanced city on Earth to relieve himself of the pain.

2020[edit | edit source]

The Beginning[edit | edit source]

Beginning in March of 2020 during the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns, Zokh quickly fled China and headed to Steam City. Upon arriving with absolutely nothing, he ventured out to the Wild Animal Racing Island sub-district of Walmart Island and befriended a warist monk named CEO Of Swag that taught him the ways of Warism. Zokh converted to Warism and found enlightenment, following the teachings of Paul Bird, subsequently grinding 3,000 hours on the video game Wild Animal Racing on his main steam account. In July of 2020, Zokh met Professor Mr. Smith a mentally ill 15 year old that had a bright future in selling his body to buff black men on Grindr. Mr. Smith's favorite thing to do with Zokh was spam his dm's with gore videos of south american prostitutes being beheaded, supplied to him by Mars.

How Greasy Gus and Zokh met. (Gus on the left, Zokh on right)

Around late July-early August, Zokh met Greasy Gus whose legal name was "God" at the time, beginning a Romulus and Remus type arc in order to rise to power within the city, Gus was already powerful solely due to his genetics and herding yaks in Tajikistan. Despite the fact that Zokh was a Warist and Gus was a Garfist (rival religions) they found common ground and established a long lasting bond. They traversed the lands of Steam City together, primarily bullying gays, blacks, muslims, pedophiles and brown people, they single-handedly caused the 2020 E-Crusades after pissing off the Waristphobic Preachers as well as a 12 year old girl named Gecko Zilla. Zokh, Gus and a real life friend of Zokh's named Clob had won the war, causing 20,876,259,561 casualties along the way which started the phrase "Billions must die."

Rise To Power[edit | edit source]

In October of 2020, he had met Russian Pirate, the 2016 defacto criminal kingpin of the city via. this post: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/_______________ok_______________/discussions/0/2798375917885290315/ . They both arranged a meeting at a bar in the Balkan District to discuss business matters and such. Pirate had suggested to Zokh that they start a child trafficking business in Congo called Little Lacy's Surprise with a man he met on the dark web named Chinee Man. The business increased Zokh's net worth by trillions after branching out to multiple continents such as Asia, North America, Europe (primarily the Balkans), other countries in Africa and Australia. Around this same time, he had gained connections to a once semi-notorious (now irrelevant) extremely niche internet microcelebrity named Woomzy whom at the time had large connections with individuals from the 1.0 Degen Pedophile Ring. They both established a close bond, which resulted in the creation of the Racist Femboys group chat which indirectly resulted in the creation of The 50% that quickly became the largest criminal organization in the city.

Zokh started The 50% in November of 2020, recruiting all the individuals he met through Russian Pirate which began as a niche circle of criminal minds such as Nk (who betrayed and destroyed the original group), Finn, Hank, Dior, Watercloset Sentry, Sal, P1latus, Peluri], BadassPCSupremacist, The Sewer Pig and so forth. Using these top minds, including the 300+ others that joined the group + allies, he sought to take over the city and overthrow the VALVE Corporation, ending the tyranny caused by the joo, he was seen as the one true prophet as a result of this. The group went to war with the Putt Gang (see: 50%-Putt Conflict) which at the time was one of the most powerful circles in the city.

2021[edit | edit source]

After the fall of the original 50% group in 2021 (due to being banned), Zokh had met Toxic Coffee, Big Man, Discord Mod, ArizaSK, Helkat, Binkus & Eddmnd, subsequently forming an alliance with Toxic Coffee Corporations due to Zokh and Coffee's equal power, thus leading to the creation of The 51% in April of 2021. The 51%-VALVE War led Zokh to receiving his first (and it was truly not the last) community ban after The 51% committed a terrorist attack on the VALVE HQ and the destruction of the group in July, thus leading to the creation of The 53%, the current standing group. Furthermore, due to Zokh's habits of exposing and doxxing pedophiles, he betrayed the members of Racist Femboys and was subsequently kicked from the group by Miami.

The Wars[edit | edit source]

The 53% quickly became a superpower rivalling extremely powerful groups such as DEUS, Degen Pedophile Ring and even threatened VALVE. In August of 2021, Zokh led The 53% in their conflict with Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms. (see: 50%-A.T.F. Conflict) upon being threatened by Thomas Magnum and Jaxx's triplet brother, Jacks. Zokh beforehand also had a personal feud with DEUS after exposing Quercus] for being a pedophile in June 2021 (NEW EVIDENCE HAS COME FORTH THAT THIS IS NOT TRUE, QUERCUS IS NOT A PEODPHILE, HE ASKS YOUNG BOYS TO DO REALLY STRANGE SHIT FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES). Zokh also fought on the frontlines during the Big Locker Bullies-GAYBANIA War, thus making him a US Marine veteran.

Devotion To The CCP[edit | edit source]

Due to The 53%-Lei Feng Industries partnership, and to pay a debt to Lei Feng for bribing the Steam Moderation Team to let him out of prison, Zokh had sold his soul to the Chinese Communist Party in order to ensure their bond.

Infiltration of the Degen Pedophile Ring 1.0[edit | edit source]

Due to the eons long war against the chuds and the troons, naturally, Zokh was caught in the midst of it all due to his views. He had kidnapped specific affiliates of the Degen Pedophile Ring at the time and extorted information from them about specific people, a primary target was Woomzy due to his infamy and influence within the pedo ring. This of course caused Zokh to gain many enemies, a notable one being Karma.

2022[edit | edit source]

Exposing The Degen Pedophile Ring 1.0[edit | edit source]

Zokh's "grave"

In late January of 2022, after Woomzy had a confrontation with Zokh, he figured it was time to expose Woomzy's crimes to the world with the help of two other pedophiles (Mars and Miami) that trusted Zokh with their life despite the fact that he planned to expose them right after. Zokh created a group in relation to this which gained up to 100+ members in an hour which inevitably resulted in the permanent banning of Zokh's main account.

Staged Assassination[edit | edit source]

Zokh was originally believed to have been assassinated by Karma on January 27th, 2022 after publicly stating he had a plot to kill every joo, although Zokh faked his death and hid in the Ural Mountains where several Zokh Clones took his place. His funeral was held at a dumpster at the Townsville Hungry Jacks in Walmart Island.

A group was made in commemoration of Zokh and his contributions to the city, although the group had been banned by tranny jannies in the heat of the Great Gaby Purge.

The fags won, they defeated zog

Discord City Arc[edit | edit source]

Zokh and the truly devoted portion of the Steam City Gangster Niggers traversed the lands of Discord City during 2022 as Steam City was falling victim to the aftermath of the Great Purge Of Steam City, he associated with reputable crime syndicates such as Childpornia (not to be confused with the pacific continent Dchildpornia), Normalcy and HANG FAGGOTS OFF TREES]. Many e-whores were slaughtered during this time.

2023[edit | edit source]

Irrelevant Larper Purge Of 2023[edit | edit source]

Upon Zokh's return to Steam City in very late 2022, during the final stages of the Bottomfeeder Apocalypse, the world went silent as Zokh and his zealous gang returned to save the city (make it worse for everyone else in order to benefit themselves.) Zokh and the SCGN defused the war between Spamton, Mars and the Myst3ry Gang, siding with absolutely nobody. Zokh was initially believed to be a threat so Mars attempted to expose Zokh for telling a 30 year old AGP believed to be a 13 year old AGP, to cut himself, although Zokh quickly humbled Mars and those attempting to use this against him in the midst by not giving a shit.

Mass Recruiting[edit | edit source]

After the end of the ILP, Zokh was responsible for recruiting hundreds of newfags (the polite term is youngbloods) onto the side of the SCGN (he also formed an alliance with DEUS after establishing common ground) which instigated a war between the Degen Pedophile Ring and the SCGN, the SCGN won automatically however as the cartographers got mogged beyond belief, and most of these individuals were too cowardice to voice call or talk to SCGN officials in personal DM's. Zokh received short term backlash as a result of recruiting these individuals, specifically from Greasy Gus and Sal, although Toxic Coffee and others agreed that the right move was to recruit more autists, schizo's and incels.

2024[edit | edit source]

After the 2024 Steam City Nuclear Bombing, Zokh left the city and moved to Bhutan. He lives out the rest of his days meditating at a monastery he built himself at the peak of the Gangkhar Puensum Mountain, leaving all the sad pathetic larpers that all despised him to make desperate attempts at taking a destroyed city.