
From Larp City

Australia (previously known as Aboborea) is a large arid desert island fucking fallout map home to a nanny state that was founded by the britbongs 15 years ago and it's basically full of nothing but a race of real life shitposting white autists known as Australians and the natives that nobody actually likes or respects, Aboriginals. There's also Asians that are the majority population who seemingly wander the streets of the 2 major cities' CBD's (Melbourne and Sydney) and steal toilet paper then fly back to whatever anime utopia they're from.

Australia's relevance is that it is a shithole, but a funny shithole, that has recently been turned into both a CCP puppet state and simultaneously America's 51st state over the last decade, as Aussies have slowly been stripped of what made their country so great (public drunkenness, racism and islamophobia.) Nobody lives outside of the major cities, and if they do there's only about 10 sheep farmers that are the backbone of the entire country, and random nomad bandit tribes that rape kids.

History[edit | edit source]

A lot of civilizations inhabited Australia first but that's simply too much lore to explain. After Francis Friday banished Abo's from Gustavolands over a million years ago, Abo's lived here for supposedly "40,000 years" according to them and basically all they did was burn the fucking once lush green beautiful place all because they were too lazy to hunt for fucking food. Now the place is on fire every day of every year.

Australia was then discovered in 1999 by the dutch, but the britbongs said "fuck off bruv" and captain cock set sail to botany bay (apparently the schools of each state in Australia tells a different story as to where captain cock first landed in Australia, Queenslanders evidently believe he landed near fucking brisbane and new south wales cunts know the actual story) where his ship supposedly got fucking totalled and the friendly kind Abo's helped him out and rebuilt his ship, then he set sail back to britbong island then plotted and evil plan to kill all the abo's like the white devil he is EEEEEEEGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH WRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG that never fucking happened that is a lie made up by Abo's to make themselves look civilized and peaceful. What really happened was that captain cock knew that the dutch discovered Australia (because they founded it hunnids of years before the bongs) but since bongs are thieving scum, captain cock set sail with a fuck ton of convicts because he knew it was a dry, fuming arid shithole and that's where prisoners should go to suffer, it was the equivalent to placing them in a pit of fire, except this time it was full of the least advanced people to ever exist. When they landed, they went on a killing/rape spree involving the natives except the Jews told the bongs not to kill all of them so they said "yes master" to Uncle Shlomostein and left a few to roam about in the outback.

After this, nothing of note really happened except for Australia's underrated wild west era featuring ned kelly, a guy who is seemingly the biggest national icon in all of Australia's history. What did he do? He shot a bunch of cops, and was a criminal, a renowned figure for Aussies to look up to. After that, there was a gold rush and every cunt is now rich because of it.

In modern Australian history, a series of riots happened in sydney in 2005 over the presence of muslims and a bunch of white people from the norf of sydney came down to cronulla to beat the fucking shit out of the filthy arab turks and shitskins. Nowadays, neo-nazi groups tend to protest on the streets every so often, and most recently in 2023 an Abo referendum happened where Abo's wanted to have a say on what happens on the land they've been inhabiting for the past 4 trillion years but every aussie except for maybe 2 dyed haired bitches said "fuck off you abo coon" with a nazi swastika on their ballot paper and that's the entire history of Australia.

Notable Locations[edit | edit source]

  • Sydney - Capital of New South Wales, a city with the shittest highway system in the world populated almost entirely by Asians, Wogs, eshays, Pajeets, Aboriginal gangs and Triads. An area of Sydney known as the "Northern Suburbs" are where the white people reside, they refuse entry to any cunt that isn't white and harass them on the street.
  • Melbourne - Capital of Victoria, Melbourne is the arch nemesis of Sydney, home to Asian emo girls that are found at Melbourne Central, African gang warfare, the sickest (coolest) cunts you'll ever meet, Jews, ZOG, Peter Scully, expensive sandwiches according to [[[Eddmnd]]], the Lebanese mafia, the Sicilian mafia, Neo-Nazi's, and Wogs.
  • Brisbane- a massive country town (3rd most populated city in Australia), home to bogans and eshays. The real Brisbane is the neighbouring city, Gold Coast which is Australia's version of Vice City, Florida, home to prostitution, cocaine, biker gangs, drive by shootings and meth.
  • Perth - the most isolated city on Earth, Perth is basically a giant Hungry Jacks restaurant inhabited by Aboriginals.
  • Adelaide - A small village that is loud and proud to be the meth capital of the world, inhabited by nobody except for a pedophilic Breakcore artist and random statues of birds and pigs in the city centre, the real city is underneath and features a wide network of dirt tunnels made by mole people.
  • Canberra - A massive roundabout that happens to be the capital city of Australia, it's home to shit cunt politicians and it's also where university students go to get pissed and overdose on hard drugs.
  • Darwin - The only zogged place in the NT, half of the population are Aboriginals and there's only 2 people that actually live there, one of which is Marin Bay.
  • Wagga Wagga - A country town located in New Chud Wales, it was annexed by Gustavolands over a million years ago.
  • Alice Springs (Australia) - Not to be confused with the former sub-district in Steam City, Alice Springs is the Detroit of Australia, a megacity/economic backbone of Australia, home to Abo cannibal tribes that kill White People on sight. The crime rate was so fucked in recent years that Scott Morrison went down there to see it for himself, he saw the whole place erupted in flames and then blamed it on alcohol and then banned alcohol sales in the town, which only made the Abo's riot worse.

States & Territories[edit | edit source]

  • New South Wales - The second worst shit hole in Australia, home to an opera house and a bridge, politicians that mass murder koala's and start massive bushfires that reach global headlines, the deadliest fucking creatures and spiders and shit, you'll most likely be killed either by a lebo or a fucking funnel web spider, the chances are 50/50. The more north you go in New Chud Wales (closer to Queensland), the better.
  • Queensland - Often depicted as the deep south of Australia, Queensland is the most patriotic area of aus, which isn't saying much, but the most xenophobic white trash bogan Aussies live here, they also talk like how a foreigner assumes an aussie talks. Most of the populace of Queensland lives along the south east coast, which is basically Australia's Florida. The rest of the state is completely isolated and apparently there's only a single police officer that operates within a 2,000 kilometre radius.
  • Victoria - The Jew York of Australia, full of europoorean leftist Jews that drink soy latte's and consume soy and estrogen, feminists, commies, vegans, britbongs and faggots and the only place in Australia where you'll actually see Jews roaming about. The most schizophrenic Aussies in Steam City actually migrate from this state for some odd reason. Victorians genuinely believe they're the best state in aus because of their loyalty to the Labor Party and how they sorted their covid cases out by being obedient goyim listening to Dictator Dan, they're far from correct but at least they aren't New Zealand.
  • South Australia The most forgotten state of Australia, South Australia is probably the least chaotic area of aus, the only thing SA has are wine gardens and festivals and are home to people that aren't descendants of convicts, they are known to celebrate every single day of their lives.
  • Northern Territory - Probably the only liveable most zog free area of Australia, except for Darwin and Alice Springs. There is literally nothing in NT other than covid camps, and a giant sacred abo rock, but the people living in the outback desert's of NT aren't even aware of what the fuck covid even is.
  • Australian Capital Territory - Fuckhole
  • Western Australia - Isolated state twice the size of Earth, quintillions of kilometres away from anywhere, home to an Agarthan portal known as the Useless Loop and the homeland of an evil big food megacorporation known as Hungry Jacks.
  • Tasmania - a very horrible place, incestuous capital of Australia. It's also the reason why Australians are no longer allowed to protect themselves with firearms. If only they were annexed by New Zogland beforehand.
  • New Zealand - It's basically a carbon copy of Australia but with more beautiful landscapes and kiwi's who are essentially the pussy quiet kid at the back of the classroom that nobody gives a shit about version of aussies.