CCP Shills

From Larp City

CCP Shills (better known as East Asians, excluding Mongols, they're their own thing) are a race of yellow slit eyed Jews that are actually just half sentient AI droids/Nephilim pretending to be humans. They inhabit the relevant part of Asia and have assimilated themselves into the most utopian societies known to man, such as Japan (the most utopian place to ever exist) full of anime and urban hell as well as China, the greatest country to ever exist, where people eat fucking rocks cooked in gutter oil and house themselves in apartment buildings made out of tofu that collapse in 2 months maximum. These beings are basically known for 1uping Europe on just about every merit, due to the fact that nobody in East Asia actually believes in god and believe more in slave labour, which has effectively turned them into a race of worker ants that could conquer the entire world if they wanted to, the only thing actually stopping them is the man power that the ZOG empire has at their will, better known as the United States military.

Breeds[edit | edit source]

Chinks[edit | edit source]

Chinks are the dominant alpha breed of east asians and some of the biggest shitposters alive. They have access to immense power and dominance over the world because Jews focused on expanding industry in China, which was honestly their biggest fuck up since the chinks just backstabbed the Jews. Chinks like to eat dogs and cats cooked in what is known as gutter oil, it's basically liquid Fatberg but it's not. They also apparently like to blow themselves up in industrial accidents which is nice to see. Everything ever made is made in China, which is evident because if you look underneath everything made out of plastic it will definitely say "made in china" so remember that a Chinese child slave working for their daily feed of rocks made every part of your computer that you're reading this from. Every chinese person is a slave to the CCP, but they actually don't mind that, except for the denizens of Hong Kong, who want to be slaves to the Jews (thank you British establishment, you never fail to disappoint.) They love to oppress muslims, which is very cool, and Tibetans, which is also very cool because Tibetans are evil and they deserve it.

Japanese[edit | edit source]

Japs are technologically advanced autistic people that speak a very beautiful language and they inhabit Japan, a nation founded by a black samurai tens of thousands of years ago under the ZAMINT regime. This particular samurai had casted an African voodoo spell that allowed Japan to be the most utopian place to ever exist. Although during the Asian takeover of the world, when the CCP Shills had wiped out the vast population of black kangz and queefnz of AFUN, these little fucking slit eyed chinks inhabited the most utopian land to ever exist, forcing them to be a super utopian race of kindness to tourists from the west that instil fear into the lives of the japs everyday. The Japs are basically the whiter version of chinks that completely ripped off ancient chinese culture many eons ago. The only difference between them nowadays is that japs don't create everything in their country out of shitty plastic, instead they focus on creating weird porn which funds the vast human trafficking businesses throughout the land, the biggest economic backbone of Japan. Japanese women are something that one should not strive for, they are not like the retarded bimbos you see on those anime's where some fucking puny little faggot has a harem of 500 anime girls. The moment you fuck a Japanese woman, minding their pussies which are hairier than a Turkish man, they immediately will demand that you marry them and have 19 kids. They will also hit you with a broom if you walk indoors with your shoes on, allah forbid.

Koreans[edit | edit source]

North Koreans are known for being Nephilim giants that emerged from the Poturk society of Yellow (East Asian Atlantis) and they were in fact the second ever modern humans to inhabit land on Earth, after Turks respectively. These beings are hidden by the strict but utopian regime in North Korea just because the gubbermint doesn't want you to know that they exist. But they do exist. South Koreans however are the ordinary, non giant inhabitants of North Korea that one would commonly see in Pyongyang, the only place any outsider is allowed to visit. South Koreans also inhabit an island invented by North Koreans that has been dubbed as "South Korea." The South Koreans are essentially just kidnapped Japanese people that are being used in this massive coverup. South Koreans were known to have created a less utopian, and lower effort imitation of Japanese culture, where instead of utopian anime they have kpop, a genre of music that has birthed the most toxic breed of obese white acne riddled middle school girls that inhabit Twitter City and every blue state in America that dox racists online for saying nigger.

Southeast Asians[edit | edit source]

The niggers of the slit eyed folk. Indonesians are muslim for some weird fucking reason, I don't think anyone actually knows why or how Islam reached that horrible place. The only notable place in Indonesia is Bali, a small island quietly invaded by white tourists from Australia that like to act like insufferable cunts towards the locals because they know shitskin asians aren't human. Filipinos are another notable breed, they live in the Philippines, where white tourists come to bleach their women because Filipino women lust for white men more than anything in the world, it was also where Peter Scully groomed a few prostitutes into filming the torture of a child. In Thailand, there's a lot of men pretending to be women to have sex with. Cambodia is a utopia with brown tap water that Eddmnd currently lives in, and Vietnam is full of emos and slave rice farmers. Burma is rightful Indian land and Laos is a worse version of Vietnam, notable for being where the elites of Arlen, Texas (Nine rivers country club) are from. Singaporeans are the only non shitskin beings that live in south east asia, and they exist solely to dominate Youtube Shorts. Nobody cares about Malaysians because Malaysia was blown up. East Timor and Brunei are the most relevant places in Southeast Asia.